A Giant Stumbles
See Jane Go Digital #2

Zoomers and Beyond

According to Reveries Magazine electronics biggie Sony has a new term for us to learn: Zoomers. Reveries wrote about the Zoomers in an April 6th column. Zoomers, we're told, are "between the ages of 50-64." Sony applied the cute nickname because of their "increasingly active lifestyle."

The story goes, "The 78 million Americans who were 50 or older as of 2001 controlled 67% of the country's wealth." That's $28 trillion, so the US Census and Federal Reserve data shows. They aren't spending it all online, but trust me, they're checking you out online before taking their cash to your offline store.

Two weeks earlier, Reveries reported on the over 60 group online, the "Gray Surfers." This energetic group is not sedentary or stuck in front of a television. Instead, they are taking to the net like kids to Disneyland. The Reveries article, posting from a NYTimes article, says, "The ranks of Americans over 65 who use the Internet have jumped by 47% since 2000, making them the fastest-growing group to embrace the online world."

Generations Online , a non-profit group "devoted to Internet Literacy and access for the paper generation," has created a simple tutorial site that helps instruct the so-called paper generation in using the Internet.

Since we know that women live longer than men, and women do more shopping than men, and women shop for others more than they shop for themselves, how much of these two huge demographics do you think are made up of women?


When you sell to them online, treat them with care. Teach them something new, they are eager to learn how you do what you do and why you do it online. Answer their questions. Better yet, ASK some questions. Engage them in dialogue through feedback forms, questionnaires, quizzes, and games. These are members of the Bingo crowd. Learn their language and explore their cultural backgrounds. They will be so delighted that you care, they will email their kids and grandkids and send all their friends to visit your site.

So, what's not to like about that?


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