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May 2004
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July 2004

Jane Reads the News

From Monday's Democrat and Chroncile, Rochester, NY, written by staff writer Robin L. Flanigan: "Driven crazy by car reviews" The opening paragraph in this article hit me right between the eyes: "Leave the Hemis and horsepower to someone else. Kristen Varela wants to talk about smashed Cheerios and baby vomit."... Read more →

Speaking Out

As I read through my email every morning (noon and night!) I come across news items, or tidbits, that inspire me to hit the print button to get my laser printer humming. Consequently, I have a stack of paper sitting by my right elbow (I'm left-handed, having it hovering on... Read more →

What Men Want

Regular readers of Lip-sticking know that Dick*less Marketing is not an attempt to cut Dick out of the mix. It is a focus on Jane, and how much power she wields when it comes to shopping for business and family. Jane is in charge of or influences just about every... Read more →

Meet Jane Blog

To the editors of Time Magazine: Meet Jane Blog. In response to your article last week, "Meet Joe Blog: Why are more and more people getting their news from amateur websites called blogs?" I would like to say this: Maybe the blogs you wrote about were amateur (but I dont'... Read more →