Jane Moves Heaven and Earth
Jane Flexes Blog Muscle

Jane Does Believe in Moving...

Jane does believe in moving...Jane does believe in moving...say it with me now, "Jane DOES believe in moving." This time...NEVER AGAIN! When the never again does happen, please do not quote me as it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Short posts for the next few days. I'm going to let my fellow bloggers inspire and engage you.

Over at Crossroads Dispatches, where Evelyn Rodriquez talks about everything from "Juxtaposing the right brain and left. Yin and yang. Analytical and intuitive. Technical and visceral. Future and in-the-now. Intersection of technology, creativity & innovation, leadership, systems, beliefs and worldviews" to anything else that enters her obviously creative and busy brain to report on, is a post on corporate bloggers. A good read, with a lot of thought-provoking content.

I try to make it a point to read Susan Crawford's blog at least three times a week, to read about all things Internet. In a recent post, Susan wrote, "We seem to be at a very interesting point in history. We may be battling for the heart of the internet. That's purple language, but that's what's going on." The 'heart of the Internet.' A compelling comment. Not to be ignored. Susan has the inside track on the politics of governing the Internet, and deserves our attention on a daily basis, of at least several times a week.

On a lighter note, I always enjoy reading Average Jane's blog, where her chatty notes keep me grounded in the real world. It's so easy to get sucked into the world of the computer, where your life revolves around the text and images on your monitor...reflections of corporate meetings (without the misery of hard conference room charis and managers that did a lot of blah, blah, blah instead of rah, rah, rah), hints of after work gatherings in an outdoor cafe where women, and men, exchange experiences in selecting art or decor for their new place. All of which is a virtual reality that imitates the warmth of real friendship, but can never replace it. For a time, Average Jane was bemoaning the fate of her beta fish. That was a learning experience. I didn't even know what a beta fish was until reading Average Jane's blog!dm_friendly_trans

Check out my new image to denote bloggers I really like...it's the DM seal of approval. Whatta ya think? Should I keep it? If so, I'll go back and add it to last week's post, where I mentioned a number of terrific bloggers. It's up to you, dear readers.

After all, there isn't anything not to like about great bloggers!


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