Work Redefined: Part II
Jane Wishes Moms a Happy One

Jane Takes to the Skies

Thursday...six a.m., a time when Jane is normally still asleep. Perhaps dawn is nudging at our eyelids, perhaps the dog is click-clacking across the hardwood floors in an effort to rouse us...eager for her morning treat. Perhaps the familiar sound of neighbors starting cars for an early trip to work, filtered through the still-closed windows, tingles at our ears...

This particular Thursday morning we are up! Up and moving about. Making coffee. Attending to the dog. Feeding the cat. There is anticipation in our step...excitement in our heart...a smile on our face. We are packing for our trip to Colorado!

No Smart Man or Woman Online interview today (though we have so many excellent candidates you need not worry that we have dispensed with this favorite part of Lip-sticking, we haven't!).

No, today we are all thumbs -- trying to fit too much into our luggage. Today we are completely honed in on the thrill of seeing that daughter and granddaughter...way out in Erie, CO...after almost two years apart! We know we will forget something important (we have a bit of business to take care of on this trip...but, at this moment, we don't remember what it is!), and we hope, dear readers, that you forgive us for not posting properly...

No promises on posts for the next few days. We had hoped to write several posts and preset them to go live while we are away but-- business has been booming and we did not find the time to write our thoughts on marketing to women-- for Mother's Day down. Never fear, the stack of articles and blog posts from our so informed friends grows daily...offering us much to write about Moms and women online, when we...find more time!

We hope you prepared for Mother's Day well in advance...we hope you are not merely offering flowers or jewelery-- Moms like books, games, trips, massages, and coupons offering to clean the house!

For the future, you may see less of Jane. We may need to cut back to three times a week. You will see our favorite posts-- interviews, reviews, and headline news...but, much of our time will be spent on the Aha! blog and on the book business.

We leave you with this story today: yesterday two women bankers came to our office to talk about having our company open an account with their bank. We met them through a women's networking group and admitted that we are not especially pleased with our present bank. One woman was a baby boomer, the other...close, but just under, we think. Both women commented on Dickless Marketing, laughing and saying it was so clever. We blushed, of course. During our conversation, as Jane related her experiences with online banking at her current bank...the women both said, without any prompting from Jane,

"It's all about convenience."

"If women can't do it quickly and easily online, they'll go elsewhere."

"Security is important, but in today's world, banks can provide that online better than offline-- we wish people understood that identity theft occurs more often offline than online."

Which supports what Jane has been trying to teach you for so many months now: simple, easy, secure...women aren't that hard to market to. Miah_close_up_sunglasses_1

And now, Jane is off to the clouds...hankering for little arms to hug and lots of kisses from a little girl and her Mom. We wish you the same!

What's not to like about that?


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