"neuromarketing, the study of the brain's responses to ads, brands, and the rest of the messages littering the cultural landscape." Read more →
Jane Tallies Up a Gen X Fit by Five
August 30, 2005
Gen X, those fabulous young women with mothers who suffered through countless abuses in the workplace, are prime targets for all manner of products and services, today. Gen X, those spoiled, had-it-all young women who are starting to check the mirror for crow's feet, all the while mouthing platitudes about... Read more →
Jane Tries to Go Shopping
August 29, 2005
Jane wishes to make a confession. Like many women, young and not so young, we lust after designer clothes. Lusting after something is not the same as desiring it. To desire something is to dream of it, dwell on it, imagine owning it. To lust after something is to spend... Read more →
Jane Takes a Break
August 28, 2005
Jane is taking some downtime this weekend, dear readers. We have come to that place in our lives where we can finally heave a deep sigh of relief and actually take some time off. Up till now, most of our 'time off' consisted of trips here and there, on business.... Read more →
Wise Words to Live By
August 27, 2005
We thought we'd take the weekend off, dear readers. Yes, of course, that's blasphemy. Jane thinking she can have some time off!! But, the reality is quite understandable: we're tired. We've been working non-stop for several years. This is inherent in any new business, we know. We're not complaining. We... Read more →
Smart Woman Online: Susan Getgood
August 25, 2005
Our so delightful Smart Woman Online today is the famous (we know you're famous, Susan, don't deny it!) Susan Getgood of Getgood Strategic Marketing. And yes, that really is her name and she really is good! We met Susan at Blogher but we've been a fan of her blog, Marketing... Read more →
Jane Gets The Mom Factor
August 24, 2005
The Mom Factor: What Really Drives Where We Shop, Eat and Play by by Nora Lee -- is a book Jane thinks all businesses should buy and read carefully. Published this year by the Urban Land Institute, this book SHOWS how powerful the Mom factor is. Nora Lee doesn't just... Read more →
Jane Reveals Five Ways to Get to Heaven
August 23, 2005
Before we get into our usual Tuesday feature: Fit by Five, we need to explain. Yesterday we told you we would have a Fit by Five to die for. Today, we headlined our post with Jane Reveals Five Way to Get to Heaven. We would like to clarify -- no,... Read more →
Jane Reports on E-tailing
August 22, 2005
We like stories. Stories make everything more real. More tangible. People relate to stories. Unfortunately for us, we seldom take our own advice and tell stories. This is another case of not telling a story. We have updates on e-tailing, and a reminder that the Carnival of the Capitalists (which... Read more →
Jane Compliments a Friend
August 21, 2005
Dear readers, here it is Sunday, just about 8:30 in the morning. Jane has been up for about an hour, schlepping around the house with her coffee, purposely ignoring the dust-balls in the corners of every room (dust and dog hair, the consequences of having hardwood floors). The cat, curled... Read more →