Jane Tackles Neurons
August 31, 2005
Neuro-marketing: what is it? How does it work? Does it hurt?
Jane (aka Yvonne DiVita) is not qualified to state one way or the other, but neuro-marketing makes us cringe. We first read about this new form of sneaking a look-see inside the brains of shoppers in a Business 2.0 article, "This Is Your Brain on Advertising."
What we learned from Business 2.0 is the science of brain waves, electrodes that track alpha and beta brain waves while subjects listen to commercials, or -- even go shopping. Fascinating.
At Frontline, we discovered a better explanation..., "neuromarketing, the study of the brain's responses to ads, brands, and the rest of the messages littering the cultural landscape." Web associate producer Mary Carmichael wrote that phrase, backing it up with, "Neuromarketing, in one form or another, is now one of the hottest new tools of its trade. At the most basic levels, companies are starting to sift through the piles of psychological literature that have been steadily growing since the 1990s' boom in brain-imaging technology."
Jane is not fond of all the hype and big words, so let's cut to the chase. Companies are finally getting it: buying is an emotional reaction, not a logical one. We don't need neuro marketing studies, electrodes, or brain studies to tell us that. And since online ad spending is expected to more than double by 2010, this bears watching, don'tcha think?
Here's the scoop: We buy what we like. We like what we buy. Which is not the same thing as you are what you eat. Neuro marketing may have something going for it, or not. We can't say. It does seem to be sparking some debate...as it does here. But, in the end, it's just more marketingspeak, as far as we're concerned.
Fast forward...to your website...and what do you use to tempt us? Have you hit us where it counts, right in the intuition, or the feet, or the fingers? Will we buy from you? Maybe, if you offer us chocolate (mmmm...everyone knows women love chocolate - this is not just Jane/Yvonne thing.). Maybe, if you tempt us with prizes (the eyes sparkle, the brain tingles -- everyone knows we love prizes.). Maybe if you lure us in with pink, or fucia, or some other pretty color or lacey image (pink works every time -- honest, it does. Whether we like it or hate it, it draws us in).
Maybe we'll buy from you if you taken time to engage us in the sale. Emotionally speaking, we want respect and honesty. If we stop over at your website -- if you've done your Search Engine Optimization correctly. I'm not going to explain what that is, but if you need to hone up on it, start here), we're there because we WANT TO BE THERE -- so, we're already primed to buy. Chances are we're looking for something specific. Chances are we're thinking of family, friends, colleagues; always someone else, even when we're shopping for ourselves. If you make us happy, we may not only buy, we might share. Now there's the key to good neuromarketing - get us to share.
There. It's as simple as that.
Make us happy...put us in the mood, understand our need to serve family and friends, and we'll buy.
Just remember, we're smart. We're on to you. If you don't show us you care, first, we won't care, either.
Add your insight below in the comments. Or visit Nurturing Big Ideas and see what Jane/Yvonne is up to today. Hint: Are you ready to write your life's story and share it with the world? Do tell!
I've seen a bit about neuro-marketing, not enough to make a judgment yet. It IS interesting!
Thanks for giving me more information.
Posted by: Marti | August 31, 2005 at 09:10 AM