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December 2005
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February 2006

Smart Man Online: Scott Ginsberg - That NameTag Guy!

At last, I'm back on track with the Smart Woman Online and Smart Man Online series of interviews. Today's interview will blow you away! How can I say that? Like this, "Today's interview will blow you away!" Is that better? I'm feeling frisky...because Scott, my interviewee, is one dynamite guy... Read more →

Yvonne here - filling in for Jane

I'm a fond reader of stories. Anyone who's anyone these days is reporting on the power of story-telling, but few people really seem to understand what that means. Using stories to promote a business is not the, "Once upon a time..." way to a woman's heart. Nor is the, "Frankie... Read more →

Jane Takes Time Off - Welcome Yvonne

Yvonne here - Jane is taking a break. Maybe the truth is that I'm taking a break, from trying to be two different women. Jane will reappear at selected moments...but, for the most part, you're stuck with me, dear readers. It's Sunday. Cold, bitter, white, and slippery here in Upstate,... Read more →