Jane Shouts Out...
Marketing to Women Online: A Futuristic Fit by Five

Yvonne Pays Tribute

2006 - January 2nd. The day is full of promise. The promise stretches beyond this next 24 hours. Yvonne here...

I thought it appropriate to make my first full post today - at the start of a New Year. This is a small thank you to the businesses that supported my trip to Fortune Magazine's Innovation Forum [which is strangely empty today??].

Small businesses all over the world know that it's their success, on a day-to-day basis, that keeps the world turning. Never mind Love Makes the World Go Round - it's small business that makes the world go round. In some ways, I think love is part of it, for instance, when love is the passion of small business owners to make things happen.

ALL of the good folk who sponsored me to go to to the Innovation Forum are small business owners. All of them saw a chance to get noticed - but, more importantly, many of them were friends who just wanted to help out. I pay tribute to them here:

The Rotten Pickle - Headed by the Chief Pickle, I highly recommend a visit to this website. There is a lot of thoughtful writing to soak up. Not to mention, The Pickle Blog, with even more business content and insight. I hope to get to know the Chief Pickle better as the year moves on. To date, he's still a 'prospect' for WME Books. That he stepped up to the plate to join others in helping me get to NY, says a whole lot about his business ethics.

Simplifi - Ah! There is no better story on the net today! I was contacted by Bryan Link to deliver a letter - to Scott Cook of Intuit, who was scheduled to speak at the forum. Imagine my surprise when, on day one, Scott Cook sat down next to me in the Rose theater? And...was not only friendly, but was personable. We had a laugh or two about...something or other. I forget, exactly. I only know Scott was the ONLY executive I got to talk to, and he made me feel like an equal. As if my being there was just as important as his being there. Not only that, he took the letter Bryan had given me, read it and promised to pass it on. AND...Bryan tells me he is now exchanging emails with Scott. A happy ending all around.

Amore Fashion - The two young, talented, energetic kids who own Amore Fashions and came to me to help them blog [we see they are neglecting their blog - Steve, Erin, call home!], saw my request on Lip-sticking, and called in immediately. They saw opportunity and they did not wait around to contemplate it. They grabbed the bull by the horns...and were, essentially, my first sponsors. I hope you visit their website and take note of the neat things they're doing. I especially like their models... not those thin, scary women you see at Gucci. Amore Fashion models look like real women. You know what I mean...women with curves. Which makes Amore Fashions look great!

Working Art Media - Kelly Mullaney is one of my favorite members of the Rochester Professional Consultants Network [RPCN] where I serve as President this year. Kelly gets involved. You can see from her website that she gets involved - she doesn't sit back and let life happen, she MAKES things happen. I was quite proud that Kelly chose to be one of my sponsors. I look to her for great things in 2006.

Learning by Heart - Linda Pratt is an outstanding young woman. The passion she has for her work with children, shows on her face every time she stands up at an RPCN meeting to introduce herself. Since I have a soft spot for children, I applaud her desire to get the world to sit up and take notice - of our youth, and their need for talented, innovative educators. Go, Linda! You'll notice that Linda does not - YET - have a web presence. I hope this event will convince her that a blog may be just the tool she needs.

Balkin Library & Infomation Services: Another RPCN member, Ruth is a small woman with big ideas. She likes to tell folks that her internet is bigger than their internet. That's because she's an expert at finding out stuff. If you need research done, and it takes you more than 5 minutes- you need to contact Ruth. She'll save you time and $$. She has a great monthly program that any small business can afford - one that will help you improve your bottom line. Why not visit her blog and contact her today?

Lowans Enterprises - Another RPCN member - are you seeing a trend here? Yes, MOST of the folks who sponsored my trip were members of the local business consultants group I belong to. Networking works - that's all I can say. Lowans Enterprises is owned by Paul Lowans. He does not have a web presence - but is working on that. I don't mind that he doesn't have a website or blog. He's an expert technology support professional. Paul networked our computers at WME Books and is the first person I call for help, if and when I need it. He also keeps the members of RPCN informed on the latest viruses or worms floating about the net.

The Preferred Nutrionist - Dorothy Hum is also an RPCN member. Dot promotes "health and wellness consultation in the convenience of your home or office." That means she'll consult with you on the phone. I know health and wellness is high on everyone's list of New Year's resolutions. Now you have a professional to answer your questions on how to improve both your health and your wellness. I can vouch for Dot's expertise - she's not only knowledgable, she's thoughtful. Try her services out - what have you got to lose, except 5 or 10 pounds? [that's MY push, not Dot's.]

OS-Cubed - Lee Drake was quick to respond to my request for sponsorship. I hesitate to mention it but...he's another RPCN member. He received my request in an email I sent out to the entire group. His response was immediate: sign me up! I have a high regard for Lee's business advice. He's one of our local success stories - a Rochester Top 100. His new company, OS-Cubed, will no doubt rise to the highest levels of success, both locally and nationally, with Lee at the helm. It's a privilege to call him friend, as well as business advisor.

A2ZEds - Barry Alt, over at A2Z Enhanced Digital Solutions, is another good friend who is also a business partner. And, a member of RPCN. Barry has many talents - not the least of which is building great websites and adding video where necessary. Barry is one of Rochester's hidden talents... oh, he gets around, don't get me wrong. But, he doesn't get nearly half the credit and attention he deserves. One thing about Barry that sparkles is his attention to customer service. You ask...he responds. That's just how it is. If only the whole world operated that way! Barry is responsible for the design, building, and maintaining of WME Books.

Business Vitality, LLC - This is Mary Anne Shew's business website, where she promises "Inspiring Leadership Beyond Limits." Mary Anne is a past president of RPCN. I hope you aren't tired of hearing the consultant's group mentioned, but...once again, I cannot thank them enough, and I cannot stress the value of belonging to such a group, enough. Mary Anne was one of the first professional women I met when I began my own business. She was my inspiration. Mary Anne is beautiful in so many ways; her beauty shines through her bright eyes, and that million dollar smile. She's also smart - like a fox! I feel honored to call her friend. Mary Anne happily lent me her laptop for the Fortune trip. It's just what she does - for friends and clients and folks who need her. Check out her About page...and you'll see why Mary Anne deserves your attention.

Thanks also goes to Tom, who continues to support and encourage me in all I do. Thanks goes to my sister, Maryanne, who was with me on the Fortune trip and who saw the event through different eyes. Thanks goes to all the readers and visitors of this blog - for your support, your comments, your connections, and everything you do to keep your businesses and blogs alive. Without you, Lip-sticking would be - talking to an empty void. Sun_and_moon

If ever you need to raise some cash fast, I recommend asking friends and colleagues...as I did. It works. And, sometimes, it brings surprises by starting friendships that might otherwise never begin. [image from Mytholody: Flights of Fantasy]

Welcome to Lip-sticking in 2006.


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Julie Brosterman

I am a newcomer to the Marketing to Women universe and discovered your sight today through the links on Nora Lee's Mom Factor site.
My goal with starting Women & Wine - www.WomenWine.com - in February of 2005 was to become the trusted source for women who love wine and travel and want to connect with friends, family, clients or colleagues by traveling together to wine country destinations worldwide. I hope that readers of your site will have a chance to take a look and recommend it if they like what they see - send comments if they don't - but mostly I'm really looking forward to benefiting from the insight that you offer.
Many thanks and Happy New Year.

Gerry Murak

Great to see your blog listed on Typepad's "Recently Updated Weblogs". If it were not for your "Business Blogging Boot Camp" I would have never would have started the "Our Fathers Who Art In Heaven" book blog which in one year has had visitors from over 90 countries!
THANK YOU and Tom for making this possible.
Happy New Year!

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