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A Little Glimpse of Romance in Gold and Chocolate

This is a very special post. It will not be very long...since I hope everyone who reads it will click into the blog I am about to talk about, and leave Lip-sticking for another time. (Tomorrow, perhaps? I have some titillating news to post!)

Over at WME Blogs we have been fortunate to have some of the best clients on the face of the earth. Our clients are all professionals of one sort or another - with stars in their eyes and dreams in their hearts. They teach us as much as we teach them. They learn blogging, we learn - in this case, all about designer jewelry and the marvels of Italy.

Today I have the distinct privilege of announcing the launch of a marvelous new blog: Simona Invites You to Italy. It's sad that I cannot give you a sound-byte of Simona inviting you to Italy because she has a lovely, lilting voice that is soft and sincere. When Simona and I speak (our work is done via the net and phone), the warmth in her voice washes over me like a summer shower. I hear her passion and dedication and I feel as if I am speaking to someone I had lunch with just the other day. Simona has that quality - to make you feel at home with her, right away.

Simona Invites You to Italy is not a very new blog. Simona was writing something similar months ago. But, as with many new blogs, she was not getting traffic and wished to really build a sincere, personal connection to her readers - so she called me. While we both think her work is more attractive to women, I also think men will enjoy the blog and the website - because men are the conduits to purchases of what Simona offers. (we ladies do like it when our men shower us with jewels, don't we?)

Her website, Simona Italian Jewelry, is a wondrous look at some delicate jewelry - finely crafted and designed, in - guess where: Italy! If you're like me and you dream of gold and charms and fine jewelry, and how you will look on Oscar night when you stroll on stage to make your speech - a visit to Simona's website is in order.

Maybe you're not planning an Oscar speech, or an Emmy speech, or a Marketer of the Year Award speech. Maybe you're planning a trip abroad (to Galliate, Italy?) or you have tickets to the theatre or the opera. In any case, you can't go wrong looking for proper accessories at Simona Italian Jewelry. The key is that Simona gives more than good service - she delivers quality and one-of-a-kind designs from the best designers in Italy. SimonaLearn a bit about her designers on her blog.

Jewelry Inspired by Nature is just one post that will surely win you over. The blog is also about traveling to her hometown, Galliate. It will have stories and insight into the food and entertainment of Italy. As time goes on, there will be a wealth of marvelous information on a country full of romance, history, and good food.

Yes, this is an endorsement. Yes, Simona is a client and we are still working together. But, I do not expect you to 'like' her blog because of that. I think you will 'love' her blog - because of her passion and commitment to all things precious.

I am delighted to offer the blogosphere a blog to blog about - Simona Invites You to Italy. Stop by and tell her Yvonne sent you.



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I really like to check new blogs, to learn something new and view different (often pretty good) designs. Thanks for info!:)

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