As the World Turns - in the Woods
On Blogging and Blogher

Blogher To the Hilt!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2nd outstanding Blogher event, being held at the Hyatt in San Jose. Weather is lovely - warm, sunny, delightful! The hotel...well, more on that another time. Let's talk Blogher ladies!

Rumor has it that there are over 700 of us scurrying about the Mediterranean room here at the Hyatt. It shows! The noise level is off the charts, folks. There's a lot of laughing, a lot of hugging, and a lot of, "Oh my god! It's so good to see you again!" when ladies from last year's Blogher connect again this year. We have women from all over - from here, there and everywhere. It's been so busy, I have only connected with a few of the gals I wanted to see - like Average Jane (Hey, Jane! You never change - always beautiful!).

Saw Jory last night at the speaker's reception. We were treated to good food and good drinks at Maggiano's Little Italy. What fun! Jory is..too thin! She's so dedicated to everything Blogher, and to the B-friend, that one wonders - Jory do you eat? The mother in me took her drink so she could eat. (I didn't TAKE it, I merely held it! I'm not in charge of her - just wanted to help out. Joy would want me to do that.)

Oh - met Robert Scoble. Yep. THAT Robert Scoble. He's better looking and way more friendly than I imagined. He gets my vote when he runs for office. (that will get the rumor mongers chatting away; no - to my knowledge he isn't running for office and has no desire to do so but - as a good techie girl, I think he should. We need someone with skills in the White House.)

Watch for more...coming later. I have reams of notes, already. Patsi and Denis of the Blog Squad are so gorgeous in their pink shirts (but, of course!) and Nancy White is exactly as I imagined - warm, friendly, approachable.

Almost didn't recognize Susannah Gardner with that cool, new haircut. She's one great lady to make friends with. And, she's totally friendly, so hop over to her blog and give her a big hello.

Gotta fly. The Friday nite reception is looming and I don't want to miss the fun! Or, the food!

TTFN - think ORANGE (that's for Susan Getgood, whose room I'm camping out in!)


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Denise aka The Blog Squad

Yvonne, I echo the above, that it was great meeting you in person and I really enjoyed your unpanel on the case studies. Really wonderful opportunity to hear of other business case studies, what works, etc. You're a fabulous lady and I'm so pleased to know you, both on and offline!


It sounds like a blast! So happy you went and are sharing news with us! Hope you have a safe trip home.


Hi Yvonne! It was great seeing you again this year and I really appreciated being included in your "unpanel" on Saturday. I'm already looking forward to next year's BlogHer in Chicago. Hope to see you then - if not sooner!


Hi sweetie,

Yeah, I know Jor's thin...I tell her that all the time. But honestly Yvonne, she eats pretty well....Jesse makes sure of that...he's a health nut. She just wears it off running's her lifestyle. She called me at 12:30 a.m. (my time) on her way home from the conference still floating on an adrenaline high. What an AMAZING weekend it was. She gave me all the details....every crazy, wonderful, exciting one. I felt like I was there. She told me the same thing you wrote in your post about holding her wine so she could're such a good mom! This conference was everything....and more than they even anticipated it to be. I spent the whole day Saturday just checking everywhere I could to see articles, photos, blogs..everything. I'm so glad you were there, and so glad you experienced it. Take care sweetness.... -Joy

nancy white

It was great to meet you F2F as well -- such a wonderful circle of smart, funny and generous women!

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