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Green and Red Partnerships Catch Fire

A lot of people think marketing to women online is magic, or theory, or expensive, or something they have to 'study' to figure out. I think much of it is common sense. What's hard is getting out of your own way. Partnerships are a positive, valuable way to connect with this market. Are you looking for partners in all the right places?

Here are a few ideas you should be able to use to your advantage:

Over at Hotel Marketing, they're talking about autumn as a great vacation travel time. [original story from USA Today.] You don't have to be a travel site to utilize this information. Do you sell items people need to take on vacation? That they might WANT to take on vacation? Are your products or services a good mix for travel - vacation or otherwise? Think about ways to tap into that dynamic.

Women are traveling more and more, these days. If you can make our trip easier (provide something to read or do during long layovers, provide us with better luggage, friendlier hotel stays, whatever), you'll have a sale. Don't forget those ladies who choose to drive wherever they go.Goody_bag

Personally, I need a goodie bag. You know, some good eats that I can bring on the plane. Something tasty and nutritious - but not heavy. Not an energy bar, please. Maybe a cookie. Maybe a candy bar. Maybe a sandwich. Maybe all three. Got anything like that?

The green (cash) and red (autumn trees) of fall should be filling your head with great ideas. If they aren't, you're missing the boat. How's that for mixing metaphors?


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