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Thoughts on 2006

It's already mid-afternoon and I feel so guilty for not wishing everyone happy holidays yesterday. But, I was busy. That's right. I napped. And worked. And napped some more. That was after opening presents, of course. :-)  But, you were all in my thoughts. And, I did take time to visit some of the blogs I love - but seldom have time to read. Keep writing, one and all! You make the world a better place!Pics_from_old_pc_241_1

Today I'm going to share a few things that happened this year that were very important to me, and my business.

Tomorrow I will have my Innovation post. On Thursday, will give you a list of important books I think you should read - in 2007. That won't be true book reviews - but, overviews of the books themselves. The book reviews will come over time. I just want to give you a head's up on some outstanding writing that's come my way this year, and that can help you in your business going forward.

As we move into 2007, I want to speculate...on leadership, and education, and women, and innovation. So, watch Lip-sticking evolve into more than just a blog on marketing to women online.

Interesting things to check out, now...

This year was a pivoting point for Lip-sticking, WME Books, and everything else I do. I spent some time writing for ThirdAge, which was such a delight I hated to give it up. But, give it up I did. I just could not give it the time and focus it deserved. You should still get over there at least once a week and see who's got new content up.

Over at WME Books, we published some truly outstanding titles. I cannot list them all here. If you have some free time, click over to the bookstore and see if there's anything you like. Of especial interest to me, right now, are the cat book, the scuba book, and Lee Thayer's book, How Executives Fail. The scuba book is part of a series and comes with a blog - which will be ready for prime time very soon. The cat book will have a blog, too, in a few weeks. And, Lee Thayer is busy working on his leadership blog - which will knock your socks off. So, stay tuned.

Didn't do as much traveling in 2006. Stayed to home, did some speaking locally, and focsued on clients. Did manage to get Purina to let me start a petblog, which they sponsor. Scratchings and Sniffings is a fun project. It's still in its infancy, though. We have LOTS of plans for LOTS of interactive elements for 2007. CALLING ALL pet-people - be aware: we want your pet stories and pictures. And, audio and video. Show the world how much you love your pets! Stories_from_god

Recently, I discovered Squidoo. Well, I discovered it way back in November when Seth Godin came  to Rochester to speak. But, I didn't join. Today, I set up my first lens - Stories from the Good Old Days, which I wrote about recently right here on this blog. I would love to hear your opinions...it's another project I hope to work on in the new year.

And, I found out today, thanks to Marti (bloggers make the best friends!) that I'm up on Seth Godin's Z list. It's a lot of fun. I'm not sure what it means...and I don't know how I got to be up in the top 10 (at least, right now I am...by the time you read this, who knows where I'll be) but I recommend you check it out. And add your blog. Show the world that Technorati's so-called A-list isn't worth squat. Those of us out "there people", ala The Long Tail, carry a lot of clout - we're on the Z list at Seth Godin's! Now, that's worth writing about!

Then, let me know if you get on the list. I'll go vote for you. (mostly it's all in good fun - but, for those of us who use our blogs for our business, it's also nice recognition)


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Congratulations on the Plexo list! I have voted for you!

Best wishes for a great New Year!

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