Eye-Tracking: Who Looks at What?
Other Search Engines-17

Places to Go, People to See

A Top 5 Tips List today. Visit these links for more information... (in true Steve Rubel, Micropersuasion-style):

Blogger conference - Chicago, May 11-12th. Meet Phil Gerbyshak...and
many other smart, talented bloggers. Learn a whole lot.

Ponn Sabra is back...Empowering Women Now. Take a look.

What's the big deal here? I'm clueless... Twittermap, Twitter... social networking is getting out of control. Or, is it just me?

Trying to attract young people with $$$? Look here.

Good post on Blogging for Dollars: Is it ethical?


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Ponn Sabra

Hi Yvonne!
Thanks for noticing! It's so great to be back after 11 months offline for my health limitations! I'm more empowered than ever, and so excited about all the innovations and vibrant community here in the blogosphere.
More great things to come!
To our success & empowerment,


shhh ... don't tell anyone but my life seems much too boring to twitter, flitter or blitter. Tho I can see some business applications in maintaining the history of text messaging on a central website. However, it seems that Twitter only holds one side of the conversation. If you read a "Twitter page" it seems like listening in to a one sided telephone conversation.

Phil Gerbyshak

Thanks for promoting the conference Yvonne. I hope to see many of your readers at the SOBCon. It's going to be GREAT!

Liz Strauss

Hi Yvonne!
Thanks for mentioning the SOBCon 07 event. It IS going to be something truly outstanding and special. With, Phil, David Armano, Mike Sansone, Wendy Piersall and an audience of attendees, who get to participate in a whole new way, were making sureing of that. Wish you could be there!

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