5 Things I Do To Be Successful
April 19, 2007
My good friend Susan Reid, who is also a book client (GREAT book coming out in the fall), has a blog called Alkamae that says, "We Understand that even Samurai need teddy bears." It's a great place for thoughtful, inspiring content. This week Susan wrote a post titled: 5 Things To Do Every Day To Be Successful.
She said she likes walks in nature, and journaling, and laughing, among other things. Read her post - it's a keeper.
Then, she tagged me and a few others to write about 5 Things We Do To Be Successful, Every Day. That's a hard thing to figure out - when you're going great guns day in and day out, as I am. But, I got to reflecting on my life over the last few years, and how wonderfully successful I've been and I decided that maybe something I do could help others. So, here I go...
5 Things I Do Every Day To Be Successful
1. I get up. That's a smart-ass answer, isn't it? But, I do more than get up. I wake up and I embrace the day. I remind myself of all the great things I have - a nice home, a guy who loves me (even as I get chubbier and chubbier!), three kids that are totally awesome, a dog, a cat, a career that is fun and profitable (well, it will be profitable, soon!). And, even though I have some minor health issues, I'm pretty well off. The world is great big diamond, as far as I can see.
2. I don't expect anything. I especially don't expect anything BAD. I might joke about it - "Oh, look... I'm in the longest line again." Or, "If I take the expressway, there's sure to be a show storm that will make me late." But, that's in fun. I try to keep an open mind about the world, about the weather, about my work, and about people. I let life surprise me.
3. Like Susan, I walk. I walk my dog every day. She likes to blog, too, after all. Walking the dog is more than exercise. It gives me time to think about 'things.' Sometimes I start the walk fretting about the day - too much to do, not enough time to do it - and end the walk having solved that problem. I really like the cold wind in my face, and the sun on my shoulders. On rainy days, I congratulate myself for just getting out the door!
4. Every day - each and every day - I try to help someone with something. I try to be available to answer questions about publishing, writing, blogging, and even, just about life. I don't know it all...nor do I pretend to know it all, but I am happy to share what I do know. Yes, I usually get paid for my expertise and knowledge - but, giving it away once a day, to someone who needs i,t makes me stronger and happier. And, more successful - because the truth is - I always learn something new in the process.
5. The final thing I can share about what I do every day to be successful is that I connect with someone I admire. Someone that I'm not likely to ever meet in person. Someone who wouldn't know me from the lamp post on the corner. I write to this person, or visit their blog, and just say Hi! And I openly admit how much I admire him or her. That has brought me more fortune than anything else. Because many of the people I've written to have become friends. They may be long-distance friends, but, they're friends.
It doesn't get better than that.
So, what do you do to be successful, every day? Eileen? Dave? D-D? Suzanne? Steve? Larry?
This is great stuff - I really admire your work! Walking the dog, my new next habit! Thanks
Posted by: Tina Dixon | April 20, 2007 at 01:01 PM
Hi Yvonne,
There are no coincidences in life. My reading this morning took me to similar places, and before I head out the door to walk my dog at the park in Deep Cove (Vancouver BC) on a spectacularly gorgeous spring day, I just wanted to say hello, that I think you're wonderful, and thank you for carrying the message so beautifully.
Posted by: Barbara Ashton | April 20, 2007 at 11:13 AM
Yvonne, I really liked two things, in particular, that you said: that each morning you wake and embrace the day, and that each day you connect with someone you admire. The last one seems like a really neat habit to get into, and the first, I do myself. Thanks for playing!
Posted by: Lady Samurai | April 20, 2007 at 06:02 AM