Technology Tattletale: Cingular/AT&T

Are you a bricoleur?

We're neck-deep in planning for a fall conference, locally. The idea is to award someone in our local community with a bricoleur award. If you're not familiar with the term (as I wasn't) it describes someone who gets things done with whatever is at hand. I have a plaque in my office that says just that, "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have." I just never knew it was referring to a bricoleur.

The website is really locally based, supporting the The_leaders_journey_with_lee_thayerup-coming conference, but the blog does have some universal appeal. If you want to hear my favorite thought leader, Lee Thayer, describe the concept and how it all works, check out the CEOhq Summits blog. He and I have a 5-part audio series on this topic.

Seems to me that women are bricoleurs - from day one. Oh, I know, men are, too... in many respects. But, women have no choice but to use what's at hand, to solve whatever problem is disrupting the day. Moms, especially, do the bricoleur thing. Maybe that's why women carry such big purses. (that's a joke.)

Are you a bricoleur? Do you have a way to reward clients or customers with this outstanding recognition? How would you do it? Can it be applied to other aspects of life, outside of business... as I'm attempting to do here, by including Moms as bricoleurs?

The Six Apart company is certainly of the bricoleur status. They created something, almost out of nothing, to solve a problem at hand...and look how it worked out for them.

I think most entrepreneurs are bricoleurs - or, at least, they have a grain of bricoleur-ism in them. Sometimes they continue with it and grow it into a wheatfield of success, other times, they lose it and turn away from the dream they had of creating something new and different.

As the year slowly fades into fall, and fall into winter, and here in the states we begin our annual worship of the fall and winter holidays, think of how you can be a bricoleur with your marketing. Can you create a marketing to women campaign out of thin air - or, out of whatever is at hand - and make it successful?

Sometimes, it only takes a glimmer of a "suppose I did this" to really make things happen.


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Bones Kendall

That was August 2007. It's now April 2008. Did I miss the opportunity?

And you should read the book of love poetry I wrote.

Out of thin air the content of our lives comes in the form of the words we hear echoing in our heads. My love poetry calms the heart and soothes the soul. And it isn't patronizing.

Women will love it and men should buy it for their loved ones.

- Bones

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