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Was watching Oprah yesterday - I try to pause in my work every day to turn on Oprah (yes, I'm a fan, but more than that...I like to study Oprah - she's a phenomenon that defies explanation) and lo! and behold! I was treated to a segment on Sara Blakely... Read more →

No Matter How Much You Suck at Writing - Write Your Own Website Copy

by Guest Blogger, Lena West, Chief Social Media Strategist at xynoMedia Technology Perhaps businesses have lost their way in all the Web 2.0 hoopla. Sometimes I see them in my mind's eye as groping around in the dark, dank, cobweb-y corners of the Internet. Perhaps they don't care anymore. I'm... Read more →

The List: As It Grows and Grows
W stands for Woman and for Wondrous

UPDATE! UPDATE! I thought of a few more... The "W" list... it's making the blogosphere rounds and showing up in a lot of unexpected places. I say unexpected because some of the folks passing it along, and adding to it, are writers and bloggers who would not have been on... Read more →

I Know Someone But, I Don't Feel Comfortable Recommending Them...

by Guest Blogger, Lena West, Chief Social Media Strategist at xynoMedia Technology I make the above statement more often that I'd care to admit. I take recommending people very seriously. If I've ever referred anyone to you, you must really have your stuff together. Congrats! Because I'm known as a... Read more →