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The World Is Green with Forbo

Green is the most popular word around, these days. I'm getting a lot of PR about companies going green, or folks talking about the green environment, and TV news has a story on going green almost every day, it seems. All to the good, of course.

Diane over at The Big Green Purse has a great story in her blog about -- of all things -- linoleum! Here's the scoop... Forbo is a "leading producer of flooring systems" with a global list of customers. According to Diane, "The company specializes in environmentally-friendly, fashionably designed linoleum. Its Marmoleum brand, made from linseed oil, wood flour, rosin, jute and limestone, has earned rave reviews not only because it comes in enough colors to satisfy Picasso.  Marmoleum is made with natural raw materials and solvent-free adhesives that emit no harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds), so it won’t give you a headache or otherwise pollute the air after it’s been laid down." Now, that's something I'll be looking at - as Tom and I "fix-up" the house, in preparation for moving.A_four_legged_post_at_the_cottage

Surprisingly, Amazon is going green. Well, I don't know about the company as a whole, I only know that they have this really neat page of Green Stuff! They call it Go Green Gals n' Guys! The list is pretty long. It includes stuff like tall kitchen garbage bags, baby wipes, glass cleaner, and lots more. Bookmark it.

Love this blog -- The Cottage (well loved furnishings) They have great content, great pictures, and a great idea: Go Green! Buy antiques! The most recent post "A four legged post" has a gorgeous German Shepard dog in it. Hope he takes time to visit the petblog.


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Theresa Lorenzi

Dear Yvonne,

Thanks so much for noticing! It is great to see that people are beginning to realize what a sustainable product really is. Forbo takes a great deal of pride in being a leader and educator in the sustainable movement. Thank you for spreading the message about Marmoleum and SMART certified products!!

Theresa Lorenzi
Marketing Manager, Forbo Flooring Systems.

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