Staying Healthy Through Thick and Thin
A No-Nonsense Approach
Ford Motor Company's 2009 Model Year Product Program

Savvy Women Know Cars

Eyes_on_the_world Don't fret. Lena's post will be up later. This will be a featured spot this week... as I have such exciting news to share. Stay with me, now... this is prime marketing to women online content.

First, let me say that Melanie Notkin of the outstanding Savvy Aunties' site is one savvy marketer. She "gets it" the way YOU should get it. Pop over to her "Are you a PANK?" post and you'll see what I mean. Melanie shares some up-front, in your face stats about the power of Aunts - all those gals who have treasured nieces and nephews (I have about 40 - maybe 45 - honestly, I'm losing count! And some of them are grand-nieces and nephews!)

BTW, Melanie says PANKS are the new PINK. What do you think?

I really LOVE this part of her post: "Being a woman means loving kids:
“Our surveys show that most women are child-centered, even when they don’t have or want children of their own… Nearly every single woman we know is a devoted aunt, big sister, godmother, or friend to the children of her relatives, co-workers, and friends. These relationships are often extremely close, and single women often talk about how enriching it is to be involved…” Fordfocusecodriving*

Oh but, that's not why I'm writing today, prior to Lena. I'm writing to let you know that because Melanie  started Savvy Auntie, and I joined, and...she is a keen marketer, to women online, I was invited by FORD motor company to attend an event on Wednesday - that will knock my socks off! Ford has been so gracious in its invitation - hey, Toby, Ford knows how to do blogger out-reach...I am totally excited about being in Detroit on Wed. to see their new 2009 "industry-exclusive Ford SYNC™ ... along with their Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner.

Tom and I will be posting from the road and from the event. Some will be video, some will be audio. IF you have questions for Ford, send'em along. I can't promise an answer, but I can promise I'll ask. I only request that you be polite - if you have a rant, rant elsewhere.

AND... AskPatty! will be there, too! But, of course! kewl is it....being a Savvy Auntie, and being a blogger? I meet the best people. (and now I get to test drive some of the BEST cars!)

*Source: What Women Really Want: How American Women Are Quietly Erasing Political, Racial, Class, and Religious Lines to Change the Way We Live; Celinda Lake and Kellyanne Conway. 2005


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Scott Monty

Thanks for the kind words, Toby and Yvonne. I can't really take full credit for it - it's the great folks at Social Media Group and the top-notch travel team we have here at Ford, as well as the entire communications and product team that is putting together what looks to be a top-notch event. I just showed up at the last minute and made some suggestions.


Yvonne - Scott Monty is doing a nice job reaching out to bloggers for Ford's first big blogger relations initiative. Looking forward to your 'posts from the road" .. and don't forget to wear your seat belts ;-)

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