Telephone, Telegraph...Tell a Woman with a Blog
Straight talk on staying healthy after 50

Britain's Oprah

by Guest Blogger, Lena West, Chief Social Media Strategist at xynoMedia

I'm always on the look out for what women are doing in media. What are they up to? What are the trends both nationally and internationally? And if the women look like me, well, double score!

It had been some time since I had gotten my "Faith Popcorn on" and I really wanted to check out what was going on internationally.

I popped over to some of my local international digital haunts and boy did I find a gem. Crikey! What rock have I been under that I have not heard of this woman before now?

She's been on TV for 10 years now and her name is Trisha Goddard. And, she's playing for keeps.  Check her out:

Now, granted her show topics don't share the same altruistic tone as Oprah's, but someone must like her because she just landed a radio deal as well.

However, like Oprah, Trisha's had her share of struggle - she dealt with the suicide of her sister (due to mental illness) and was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. And, still she rises.

Why am I bringing up Trisha? Well, three reasons:

  • I've still got the "pensive bug". I'm making some major changes in my business (that are taking FOooRrrrrEVER) and I like to see what other people are doing whether or not their work seems like a fit for me or not. My marketing genius mentor-from-afar, Roy Williams calls it horizontal thinking and if you don't know what it is, start learning. (And, if you don't already get the Monday Morning Memo, subscribe today and by next Tuesday, you'll be a better person for it. Small/negative/scarcity thinkers need not apply. )
  • Also, I believe that the best way to become more successful is to examine the "moving and shaking" of people whom you deem successful. It doesn't mean you mimic their every move, it just means you pay attention.
  • And, most importantly, I think: sometimes seeing someone else who's going through a tough time gives you the courage and compassion to face your own crap.

Thanks to the Black Women in Europe blog for the story lead.


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Lena L. West

@ Ben:

Thanks for the kind words.

I really do believe that people can read for themselves, what they need is experts who can interpret the data and let them know - "here's what this means to you".

Thanks for reading and commenting!



This is a brilliant point: "I think a good blogger is almost like a human Google for their readers." Couldn't agree with you more...well said!


Lena L. West


Thanks so much for your kind words!

I think that's the beauty of reading other blogger's material. We all have the potential to help "spread the word" about people and resources that are meaningful to us on whatever level. I think a good blogger is almost like a human Google for their readers.

Thanks also for reading and commenting!

Yvonne DiVita

Always good stuff from you, Lena. But this is truly outstanding. I, too, am always on the lookout for good women to share with readers. This one is a gem.

Lena L. West

Thanks, BWIE!


Hi Lena,

Thanks for stopping by. Always good to here from fellow social media sisters. Hang in there with the business changes you are working on!



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