Life on the Run - or
22,000 Miles on the Road with 2 cats, a poodle and a Project Nerd
It's Official...

7 Things I Would Never Tell My Mother

7 things I would never tell

Toby Bloomberg, she of the outstanding Diva Marketing blog, was tagged recently by non-other than the esteemed B.L. Ochman (can you tell these ladies are among my BBFFs? hey, B.L. ,I grew up in a haunted house, too!) to reveal "7 Things that you don't know about me..." and then tagged me.

Naturally, when tagged, one must keep the meme going and tag others attention - you may be next. I have renamed this meme a bit, as I could not think of 7 things you don't know about me - instead I'll share 7 Things I Would Never Tell My Mother... Enjoy.

1. I would never tell my Mother that her perm is not working. My mother is fastidious about her hair. Luckily, my older sister did tell her and she stopped getting the perms. Her hair is the happier for it. Yay!

2. I would never tell my Mother about the time I went to the grocery store in my PJs, complete with slippers. It was a mistake. Why broadcast it? I forgot what I was wearing (they were sweats, no one noticed), and I have industrial strength, it was harmless. But, don't tell my Mother - there's no telling how appalled she would be! (update 2020 - I have NO IDEA when I did this? I would never go out in my PJs. Hmmm... maybe it was a dream!)

3. I would never tell my Mother she should learn to blog. Or use a computer. Or get on the Internet. She might find this blog and...who knows - leave a comment! (maybe I will tell her all those things...)


4. I would never tell my Mother (or my brother, or my three sisters) that I always wanted to be an only child. Why she had to clutter the house up with all those other kids is beyond me! Oh the pleasures of being an only child! (and yet, I adore my siblings! How blessed am I to still have them around?)

5. I would never tell my Mother that I am not really interested in our family history. That's bad, isn't it? But, I have serious doubts about those geneaology sites - after all, where do they get their information? Public records are NOT always reliable. Still, I should lighten up on that - I might be related to someone important. Like Toby or B.L. Or the Queen of England. I mean, my name used to be Windsor, not DiVita. Hmmmm....

6. I would absolutely never tell my Mother that all those times she dragged me to Bingo when I was a kid, it was like suffering through a bad movie without popcorn. I cringed whenever she mentioned girl's night out. To this day, I cannot look at a Bingo dot without horror!

7. And, I would never tell my Mother that every time I visit her I secretly wish I never had to go home. (She'd just make it easier for me to stay!)

Now, I certainly would tell my Mother and important she is to the family, and to me. I tell her to try and relax, she's earned it. I tell her to slow down and remember that my Dad, suffering from Alzheimer's, is like a two-year old and she is not really capable of caring for a two-year old - she should get help. And go to Bingo once in awhile.

Maybe, someday soon, I'll tell her all the things I don't think I should tell her - because I think they will make her laugh. And laughter is the sunshine of our souls - without it, the garden we tend would wither and wilt. Laugh today. 

Time for the tag: Do share 7 Things We Don't Know About You or... 7 Things You Would Never Tell Your Mother... the world is eager to hear:

Donna DeClemente
Mary Schmidt
Phil Gerbyshak
Susan Getgood
Scott Ginsberg
Elana Centor
Guy Kawasaki (I know, he's very unlikely to play - he's a busy man - I respect that - but wouldn't it be FUN if he did?)


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Troy from Vernon Web Design


"4. I would never tell my Mother that I always wanted to be an only child."

ROFL :-)


Phil Gerbyshak

Very interesting twist on an old meme. Thanks for taking me. I've been thinking about this since you posted it, and I'm trying to find a cool twist too.

Thanks for sharing the fun!

Mary Schmidt

I'm not ignoring the tag - just having to think. Maybe it really should be 7 Things Your Mom Should Know. I'm not sure there are a whole 7 things people don't know (and would want to) - after several years of blogging.


Thanks for playing along. Great twist on the meme .. and that's so social media .. adding to and building on! Looking forward to reading the cool people who you tagged.

Lee Drake

Lee Drake

Tell her now. Don't wait. You might be sorry you did.

Elana Centor

Memed it. Tagged Others. Eager to follow the links. Thanks for inviting me to play.

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