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May 2009
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July 2009

If you haven't met Sandra Heinzelmann, you're missing out on some outstanding business advice and coaching. I don't say this lightly - she comes highly recommended by my own client and author, Dr. Susan L. Reid. So says, Dr. Reid, "A power-shot of inner wisdom that will catapult your success!"... Read more →

I'm noticing a trend lately and it involves a saying that my Grandmother used to say: "You beg what you need and pay for what you want." What she meant by that is, the things most people NEED to have they're not willing to pay for. The things they WANT, they'll spend every dime they have on them. This type of behavior shows a complete lack of focus and upside down priorities. Read more →

Once again we have major media announcing the obvious: according to this article, "Moms Wield Powerful Influence Online" over at eMarketing & Commerce, "Moms have become a force to be reckoned with online." No offense to the author, Joe Keenan, but... really, now, what planet have you been living on?... Read more →

This past weekend we went to a local event called Bark in the Park, here in Erie, CO. We attended it last year, too. The idea is to get lots of dogs and dog people together and showcase some of the local pet companies, including the local humane society, and... Read more →

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk Well this week officially puts us into the Summer of 2009. I'm feeling a bit melancholy today since we will be attending the high school graduation ceremony tonight of my youngest daughter. She recently walked in the door after finishing up the... Read more →

I'm in sunny (well, mostly sunny, they are experiencing a lot of storms this year) Colorado with beautiful mountain views - at least Tom tells them there are beautiful mountain views, I, myself do not care to look at the mountains. They look mighty foreboding to me! We have a... Read more →

The Human Single Point of Failure

By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter And can't we all rant for hours about the sorry state of customer service? I write about Big Clueless Companies...but (and here I'm making an abrupt turn...screechhhh...) - it's not necessarily all the CEO's and "management's" fault. I'd submit that many executives actually... Read more →

The Think Big Manifesto: A Podcast with Michael Port

This podcast is extremely important. It's a bit longer than some others - a full 15 minutes. But, you can have it playing while you blog or Twitter. You can listen to it a few minutes at a time. The important thing is for you to listen to it -... Read more →