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September 2009

You would think the AMA (American Marketing Association) would know better. They are a marketing organization, after all. I'm even a member. But, this recent invitation to attend a Social Media Marketing workshop, in Boston, misses the mark, big time. I'm a busy gal, as many of you know. I... Read more →

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk Here's a new user-generated promotional marketing contest that is for all of us dog lovers out there. I know we many of them that read this blog since Yvonne DiVita, our fearless Lipsticking leader, also writes the Scratchings & Sniffings pet blog... Read more →

The Power of (Women's) Web Thinking

I couldn't resist sharing a portion of an article titled, "31 Ways of Looking at Power", in the September 2009, issue of O Magazine. As the Founder of a company that provides social media strategy for dynamic women CEO's (and the companies they lead), I could not think of a better way to use the space in my blog post this week than to share with you #18, as written and shared by Helen Fisher, from that list. As my friend, Donna, would say: please read it once for content and then a second time for clarity. It's THAT deep. Enjoy. Read more →

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk How would you use Cisco TelePresence to make a difference in your business or organization? The folks at Cisco Systems want to know and are inviting business people from around the world to send them a video explaining why and how they... Read more →

Happy birthday, Millie! However many years young, you are an inspiration. Love the pics on your blog today. Love your blog in general. The Thoroughly Modern Millie title reaches out across age groups and embraces us all. And what a looker you were, back in the day! Do you miss... Read more →

This past weekend I had a darn near out-of body experience. I could go into the details of what went down, but that would take too much time. Time I don't have right now...and time you probably don't have either. Fast forward to me not being able to bend or stand due to a muscle spasm in my back. I've never had a muscle spasm before and if you've had one, you know it feels like you're going to meet your Maker. Read more →

What ever happened to the 1960s? I’m nostalgic. I can’t help it. Shades of 1963 – those good old days of Bye Bye Birdie and Ann Margret singing her heart out for Bobbie Rydel. Yep, those were the good old days. No worries about employment; no one complaining about taxes.... Read more →