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Your Health and Mine: Michelle Obama Speaks Out

Yvonne-DiVita I'm a fan of our First Lady, I openly and honestly want you to know that. I have been a fan of all of our First Ladies, regardless of political persuasion. Well, I wasn't much taken with Hillary, back in the day, but I've come around.

Today, I wanted to share this video with you. Blair, from KaplowPR, sent it to me. It's an important message about our health - yours, mine, and everyone else's. Regardless of that big idea you have, or how much support friends and family give you in your new start-up, without your health, you are nothing. We are nothing. 

In this video, thanks to iVillage, Michelle Obama shares a personal story about Sasha, her daughter - and the fact that healthcare is more than important, it's a vital necessity for every human being, certainly for every person in America. The video, according to Blair, is designed "to get women involved and to encourage them to ask personal questions about health care." What questions would you ask? Here's one from me: Why can't I get the same coverage in CO as I get in NY? (I can't, btw. I've already investigated. As someone with fibromyalgia, this is a big concern...)


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