Pet Lovers: Do You Blog?
January 14, 2010
Of course, you do! There are hundreds of thousands of pet lovers who blog. Some of them blog about their pets on a regular basis, others insert mentions of their pet into their blogs, because their pets are part of the family.
For those who don't know - I've been writing a pet blog for four years called Scratchings and Sniffings. It's sponsored by Purina but this year we're opening up ads and sponsorship opportunities to other pet companies, also. I also help write and manage a blog for PurinaCare, the pet health arm of Purina. So, I'm well-versed and well-connected in the pet community online.
This year I met Caroline Golon of Romeo the Cat. Caroline is a pet blogger who uses her blog to raise money for pet shelters. She's been written up in USA Today and she is sponsored by some great pet companies, all for the benefit of shelters and pets in need. What can be better than that?
There are blogs and sites that support people needs, also. Don't get me wrong. As I write this I am listening to CNN cover the Haiti earthquake and it give me goose bumps because I can almost feel the terror, the sadness, and the worry as it emanates from the TV.
I so approve of non-profits using social media to further their cause and to raise money. It seems to me that just $5 contributed by a million people, to one cause, can do more for that cause than spending thousands of dollars on direct mail pieces or pushing out email announcements.
I know we can all contribute to the Haiti crisis by going to the Red Cross. And, that $5-10 will go far to helping those in need in Haiti. If we all stop and consider how we spend money - we could each give $5 a month, to a different non-profit and see big changes in millions of people's lives.
That goes for pets, also. Abused, neglected, mistreated pets need our help, also. Maybe one of the charities or non-profits we contribute to could be an animal shelter. Just once a month. Instead of buying the latte' or going out to lunch today. Instead of buying that box of cookies (which would help our waistline, also!) or instead of driving to the store, we walk and save on gas.
Women are normally on the forefront of this issue - the issue of giving back, of supporting charities and non-profits, or going green. In April, Caroline and Tom and I are gathering a large group of pet bloggers and pet brands together, in BlogPaws, to build community, engagement, and education. If you're a pet blogger, or a pet brand, consider joining us. We love pets. We want to give back - so, we'll be using a generous portion of the fees and registrations to donate to pet shelters.
Just one way of being a good citizen. Taking care of those less fortunate.
Meanwhile, hop over to the Red Cross and give what you can - to help Haitians in dire need, right now.
This is a book that real appeals, & I've already expressed an interestingness in on twirp, so It's tremendous that I get to inform a bit writer active it before I get myself a copy. Enthusiastic post as customary.
Paws Pet Supermarket
Posted by: shelby alvarez | October 16, 2011 at 07:13 AM
I agree, bloggers can organize a pro-event and be catalysts for change or in this case, animal rights.
Posted by: seo reseller | August 02, 2011 at 02:21 AM
I love to read blogs about pets.. why? because i am very much interested to see pictures of pretty pets and also read some news about them..
Posted by: Wood Urns | July 19, 2011 at 06:18 AM
I'm a pet lover and yes, I blog. Blogging helps me a lot with regards to taking care of my pet because through it, I can receive information about my pet. I can also share my own experiences with my pet which can be useful to others.
Posted by: Nicole from trainpetdog blog | June 05, 2011 at 11:15 AM
For sure pet lovers love this blog. This kind of article is very informative. Thanks for posting this, I'm sure pet lovers can get more info about blogging.
Posted by: natural health products | November 15, 2010 at 11:55 PM
Great insight on the various pet blogs the sponsors and information. I've been following your work in scratchings and sniffings. Thanks for the various versatile information. Keep up the good work and good to know the various supporters and the sponsors.
Posted by: Pet Lovers | October 25, 2010 at 02:10 AM
Thanks for posting those links about Haiti and charities and non-profits for abused/neglected animals. All these call for our attention everyday. Such a sad realization that it will always go on, but everyone can help!
Posted by: Promotional Products | February 26, 2010 at 01:07 PM
I loved your article it has great information. I think you and your readers might be interested in another article I found, about pets and dry eyes.
Posted by: Joey | February 10, 2010 at 12:16 PM