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Earth Day - Everyday

Obviously one cannot escape Earth Day. And, this gal thinksSaving-the-earth it's something we should observe every day. Each one of us needs to perform those little tasks that can make a difference, because each little thing adds up. Just ask Mary Hunt or Paul Valenti.

I receive a great note from The Nature Conservancy sharing 5 Simple Things To Do on Earth Day which I thought I'd share here. Then, I'm going to add five more, from my own life.

From The Nature Conservancy:

1. Know your carbon footprint. It only takes 5 minutes, they say. Hop over to this link on their site and figure out your carbon footprint. It will enable you to reduce that footprint, for the good of Mother Earth. (sadly, mine is above average...so I have work to do)

2. Less showers or less time in the shower. Do we really need to shower every day? If you answer Yes, think about shortening your shower time. Reducing your time in the shower by just a minute or two can make a big difference. (and shut off the water when you brush your teeth! that really goes without saying, doesn't it?)

3. Go for a walk. Save the planet, save your waistline, save the environment. Walk around the block. Observe nature. Enjoy your neighborhood. We try to walk every day. Of course, we have fantastic views here in Frederick, CO.

4. Support legislators who speak up for climate change. Find out who is in support of climate change and supporting Mother Earth, and congratulate them. Find out what you can do to help. Be pro-active. Your grandchildren will thank you.Farm-stand-butterfly-farm-co

5. Visit and utilize your local Farmer's Market. I love this one. We haven't done this yet, but my kids are totally into this locally-supported food idea. I can't wait to start shopping for fruits and vegetables at our local Farmer's Market. I bet I find great surprises there.

Now, my ideas on how to Be Kind to Mother Earth:

1. Turn off more lights. I don't see why people have so many lights on all the time. Especially in office buildings. Are they really needed? Find out and see if your office building could do with a little less artificial lighting.

2. Exercise. That could be talking a walk, or a hike, or riding your bike, or even signing up to run a marathon. Or, it could just be taking a walk during lunch around your office building - upstairs and down, more than once. Get that blood moving!

3. Leave the car at home. Or, at least drive to a location that allows you to park your car and walk everywhere else you need to be. I'm encouraged by new "communities" popping up that include old-fashioned shopping plazas with quaint stores selling local artisans works.

4. Bring your mug to Starbucks or Tim Hortons. I don't know if all the Starbucks and Tim Hortons allow it, but it will save a lot of energy and landfills if we stop using paper or styrofoam cups. Get a good mug or travel mug and use that.

5. Remember to bring your canvas bags to the grocery store. At our King Soopers, they give you a CREDIT on your groceries when you remember to bring your canvas bags in. If you forget, buy a couple of more and pretty soon you'll remember. How many will pile up at your house or in your car before you are more careful?

What are you doing today, on Earth Day? Will you continue during the rest of the year? Share...


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