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May 2010

Facebook Fan: $3.60 Real Friend: Priceless

By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter Adweek: Value of a 'Fan' on Social Media: $3.60 The findings are based on impressions generated in Facebook's news feed Can you spot the problem word in that headline? It's "impressions." Another example of outdated Mad Men thinking applied to our virtual world.... Read more →

My good friend Kevin Burke (pictured here) of Lucid Marketing and Moms Who Blog wrote an excellent piece in MediaPost's "Engage Moms" this week. Kevin has been focused on Moms for a long time and as far as I'm concerned, he has the inside track. I trust his research and... Read more →

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk Two weeks ago today my mother passed away after battling breast cancer for several years. As soon as I was able to I wrote this post on my blog, In Loving Memory of our mom, Eileen DeClemente. I tried to share what... Read more →

An Open Letter to Ann Taylor LOFT (That Means You Mr. Muto)

If you haven't heard the latest scuttlebutt (don't you just love that word?!) about Ann Taylor LOFT's alleged FTC blogging rules violations, I won't recap it all here, but click here to get the skinny. Seriously, click that link and read the blog post there - I'll wait. C'mon, it's important to read it so you understand what I'm about to say below... Read more →

I remember reading a blog post several years ago that was talking about how to be more successful at blogging. This was before Twitter and Facebook, mind you. Businesses were just beginning to consider having a blog. Their major concern seemed to be, "What do I write in a blog?"... Read more →

Anyone else feel like social media has taken over the world? I'm a big social media fan, I have lots of blogs, and I love discussing the benefits of engaging in social media, but sometimes I feel as if we folks who promote the use of social media don't spend... Read more →