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Let's Build Something New

Yvonne-trans New...Innovative...Original...Unique.

Those are watchwords of the 21st century. If you can't get creative in your approach to business today, you're not likely to be a runaway success. Of course, being a runaway success isn't everyone's desire, so maybe this post isn't for you.

For those readers who dream of runaway success - let me tell you what I think that is, because communicating purpose and vision is something business folk need to learn to do. Without communication, you have nothing. So, runaway success, to me, is creating something out of nothing, using the mindset of a bricoleur. A bricoleur, for the uninitiated, is someone who takes what's at hand and makes a cake. So to speak. "Do what you can, where you are, with what you have."

When you put your focus on achievement and accomplishment, when you grab the solid, age-old tools that have served business for hundreds of years (a vision, a mission, one eye on today, the other on tomorrow), and add in the innovative tools created in the last 10 -15 years, you have a huge opportunity to build that runaway success. It's in the act of doing - as Lee Thayer would say, Thinking, Being, Doing.

You cannot get there just by thinking. Deep thoughts are good, they may inspire you, but they do not accomplish anything. You cannot get there by being...being sure of your results, sure of your thoughts, sure of your research, sure of anything. Being is a stationary kind of thing. You need movement - you need to be doing - to grab the brass ring.Brass-ring

Here's what I believe and have learned from experience - you can't always be right; Fate has no plans to see that you're successful; and you can't rely on family, friends or colleagues. It's up to you. When you can bring colleagues, friends and family on board with fervor and excitement, all the better. But, even when they share your vision, you MUST be willing to work hard, sacrifice, and be agile.

That means understanding that no plan survives the first encounter with the enemy. In other words, plans have a way of going awry - it doesn't mean you shouldn't make them, it just means you can't rely on them to unfold the way you think they will.

My advice is to get out there - figure out how to be new, innovative, creative, unique, and have fun at it. Don't waste time wondering, just do. Don't get hung up on failures or setbacks, move forward. Be in the moment, know what you want, and go out and get it.

Go on now...remember, doing brings success. Thinking and being can be the fuel that moves you, but they cannot be the driver of what you do. YOU are the driver. YOU must do what needs to be done. 


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