The life of a freelance writer
2010 Year in Review: my blog posts from social media to check-in's to promotions

One Page Strategic Plan from Laura Posey

Posey-headshot_sm If you haven't already prepared a Strategic Plan for 2011, it isn't too late. My friend, Laura Posey, whom I met at BlogPaws earlier this year, has developed a fantastic way to get your thoughts down on one page. Here's her explanation of how this came to be, and a link where you can download her expert advice.

by guest blogger, Laura Posey

In the winter of 2006, I was so fed up with my business, I took a two-week sabbatical in Sedona, Arizona to clear my head and redirect my energies. I was so unhappy, I was seriously considering giving up the business I’d put my heart and soul into for 5 years.

After two weeks in the clear desert air, I sat down and wrote a strategic plan to recreate a business that I loved working in, that paid me handsomely and gave me a sense of helping other business owners reach their goals.

From the moment I returned from Arizona, I looked at my plan each day. I had condensed it to just one sheet of paper, so it was easy. That piece of paper was a constant reminder of my desires and my focusThe-One-Page-Strategic-Plan   and it helped me make some of the toughest, but most necessary, decisions of my life. Using my plan as a guide, I was able to achieve the financial and emotional freedom I had so long sought.

As a result of my experience with that strategic plan, I now start each engagement with my clients by creating a One Page Strategic Plan with them. From the first moment we being moving towards their goals, they are focused and everything they do is aligned with their values and vision. The plan has fundamentally changed not only the way I interact with clients, but their results as well.

Prior to implementing this planning process with clients, I was excited when one of them would see a 20% increase in sales over the course of a year. Now, using this strategic planning tool I’m disappointed if I don’t see at least a 50% increase during that same time.

Yes, one sheet of paper can make that much difference in your business.

Take a moment to imagine what you could accomplish if you could harness all of your energy, and the energy of those around you, into one clear, well-defined direction. Imagine if you could tap into your passion on a daily basis and put it all into your business. Imagine your days energizing rather than draining you.

Imagine knowing exactly where to spend your time and money for the biggest returns. That is what The One Page Strategic Plan does for you. I recently finished writing a book detailing how to use The One Page Strategic Plan. I have also committed to giving away the first 10,000 copies to entrepreneurs and professionals who are serious about getting what they want out of life. To claim your free copy, visit my blog at this link. Here’s to 2011 being your best year so far!

About Laura Posey: Laura is the Chief Instigator at Dancing Elephants Achievement Group. She is an internationally-known speaker, author and consultant on how to increase your income while enjoying more guilt-free time off. Laura is the author of Six Secrets of Sales Magnets and The One Page Strategic Plan. You can reach her by email at this link for any questions, booking information or consulting requests.


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Zane Safrit

Perfect timing. I was just sitting down last night to plan for 2011. I wanted the plan to be one page. After writing down some key ideas, themes and tools and resources, I put it aside. And now I find this resource.

Thank you Yvonne for posting this.

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