The Gap's Project Reindeer had us following the herd for holiday deals
December 22, 2010
By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk
Social media has played a big role in many 2010 holiday campaigns, especially with retailers. The Gap's "Project Reindeer" promotion is one that stands out from the "herd". Starting on Dec. 15, the Gap enlisted eight GPS-collared reindeer that they monitored for five days as they "raced" to the North Pole
Every reindeer was attached to a specific daily Christmas deal that Gap customers could get. The Gap team would decide on a parameter that each of the eight reindeer would compete. For instance, a win for reindeer "Chloe" got consumers accessories in the store for $5 apiece, while "Emma" garnered 40% off a total purchase (that's Emma BTW in the photo). Depending on which reindeer had moved the furthest, fastest, closest, slowest, etc. to the North Pole, their deal was introduced for that day's deal for holiday shoppers.
The Gap integrated their Facebook page and a special Twitter page to help spread the word along with Twitter hash-tags for all eight reindeer (#deerChloe, #deerEmma, #deerDuke, etc.). They utilized these pages to announce that day's winning reindeer/holiday deal.
Here's a cute video that Gap created with supposedly the real owner of the reindeer, Josh, giving us a behind the scenes look at the filming. I hope you enjoy it, I did.
I wish you a very healthy and happy holiday, however and wherever you decide to celebrate it. I personally am happy having both of my daughters home together in our house for the first time since August. I also want to take a moment to say thank you for reading this blog this year. Merry Christmas.