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Five Fabulous Bloggers: A Posting from the Heart

Thanks to Trop 50 for sponsoring my writing about fabulous bloggers. This year Trop50 is granting 50 fabulous wishes. Click here to enter for a chance to win $1,000 to help grant a friend's wish!~~~~~

When this opportunity came my way I couldn't help but jump at it. I'm all about the fabulous bloggers who've been there for me. And there are many more than five but, let's keep it simple and talk about just five, today.

ONE: Denise Wakeman - of The Blog Squad and many, many other projects. Denise has been a mainstay in the blogging world for as long as I and has helped more newbies understand social media, than I can count. She mentioned on LinkedIn today that she does a lot of free consulting - and she wasn't bragging or looking for kudos. She was recommending that everyone support others as they move along the path to success. I know she's always been there whenever I have a question.

TWO: Toby Bloomberg - Toby is one of my BFFs! Diva Marketing is a testament to being focused on excellence. Toby shares outstanding content on marketing and social media and truly creates an interactive environment. Her book, Social Marketing GPS, is the only one of its kind - written entirely on twitter, about twitter. Free downloads are here.

THREE: Michele Miller - Michele writes the WonderBranding blog and is a partner in Wizard of Ads. Honestly, not only is Michele knowledgeable about marketing to women beyond any level I can compare, she's personable, she gives a mean presentation, and she lives life to the fullest. Plus, she loves her dog. It doesn't get better than that. When she blogs, I listen.BlogPaws-founders-at-BlogPaws

FOUR: Caroline Golon - Author of the Romeo the Cat blog. I met Caroline a couple of years ago and we clicked because we both love pets. But, Caroline works hard to do more than just chat about her cats. She raises money for rescues and shelters and in the two years that I've known her, I've come to admire her and respect her for her commitment and devotion to pets. We founded BlogPaws together and, together, we will continue to help pet bloggers all over the world save more needy pets. [this is one of my favorite pics of me and Caroline and my Tom]

FIVE: Bill Ward - AKA Dr. 4Ward, is a master marketer. Bill was a client, let's make that announcement right away, but truth is he took what social media skills we taught him and created the most fantastic blog ever! He's a professional in marketing and also a professor of marketing. He gets it, big time! I love reading his posts and following him on twitter. And the way he signs off of his blog posts is pretty intriguing... "keep digging for worms." You'll have to visit his blog to figure out what that means.

I could go on. I could talk about a dozen more bloggers. I could do this every week. Maybe I will... 

***Don't forget to enter the 50 Fabulous Wishes contest for a chance to win $1,000 to support a friend's wish. I was selected for this Tropicana Trop50 sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do. I received compensation to use and facilitate my post.


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Хороший сайтец, добавлю в закладки пожалуй. Единственное как-то народ тут не сильно говорливый :)


I've been trolling this community forum for awhile now and I have to say it's the top group I found on-line!

It truly is funny how of all the web pages, the most beneficial information is always on an third party forum and never the big name domains.

I've truly already learned a lot and hope to meet some of you eventually. I just wanted to say Howdy and say thanks to everybody for the valuable information you've offered so far. The knowledge and information provided on this web site is able to change (for the better) a lot of individuals lives and I really value the many opinions and suggestions.

My own specialitzation is in lending, insurance and other number cruncher geeky sort of things, so I don't know just how much I will have to offer this board, but I am always keen on studying new things and discussing what I can with folks who're in need. and when anyone needs to know about Then I can really help you there. :)

Anyways, I simply wanted to show my appreciation for all of the fantastic content and say that I imagine I will be here for a long while.

Wayne  Hurlbert

You certainly have made some wonderful selections on your list. All are tremendous bloggers, and even more important, fine and generous people.

Denise Wakeman, The Blog Squad

Yvonne, thanks so much for including me on your list. It's an honor to among such wonderful bloggers. I keep expecting our paths to cross again in person at some conference or another. I hope that happens in 2011!

Toby Bloomberg

Yvonne - thank you for your kind words and the honor of being including in this list of amazing people.

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