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Marketing to Women Online with Holly Buchanan

Holly Buchanan is a top-notch women's marketing professional. It's not just because she's a woman or just because she's been in the profession of marketing long enough to establish an expertise that far surpasses my own. It's because she doesn't limit her thinking to the usual "woman" focused content or advice.

I recently read a post on her blog about her attendance at the Athena Film Festival and what it taught her about marketing to women online. A visit to her blog to review that article is time well spent, IMBO.

Meanwhile, this video appeared in that post and I realized I had to share it here, also. With thanks to the Feminist Frequency and Holly... a short look at women in movies and the Bechdel Test:



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Belstaff Outlet

Love those! I enjoy following your posts on facebook and rss!

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