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Dove's Close Up Challenge to choose a woman to Dance With the Stars

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk

I have a few traditions that I like to follow when I write my blog posts throughout the year. I always write one on the Academy Awards and I focus a few on the Super Bowl the weeks leading up to the Big Game. I cover the most innovative and unique holiday promotions every December and choose a campaign every October that's helping the cause during breast cancer awareness month.

HappyBday I also celebrate my blog birthday, which I am proud to say that it's my 4th birthday as an official blogger. I wrote my first blog post on February 27, 2007 on Donna's Promo Talk and followed it with the second on March 2. I thank the founder of this blog, Yvonne DiVita, and her partner in business and life, Tom Collins, for getting me started. We're still at it now and in blogger life, I guess we're considered old timers.

  Dove logoPart of my birthday celebration tradition is writing about the same brand that I choose to devote my first two blog posts about which is Dove. They're a great brand that impressed me very much with their Dove's Real Beauty Campaign, so I continue to support them. If you search for Dove both here on Lip-sticking and on my blog, you'll find all the posts I've written about them.

Recently Dove's new VisibleCare Body Wash line kicked off a social-media and promotional marketing campaign which entices consumers to get as close to Dancing With the Stars fame as they can get. The Dove Close-Up Challenge kicked off February 27th which offers women a chance to win a ABC’s Dancing with the Stars experience with Jennie Garth. Women are invited to submit a short video that shows Dove why they’re ready for their close-up, a chance to dance in a commercial that will air during the season finale of ABC's Dancing with the Stars.

Dove-Body-Wash They have included guidelines for the video on their website, and have even created a sample to help women get started. The video should be no longer that 60 seconds. The grand prize includes an 8 day/7 night trip for two people to Los Angeles and the winner will receive dance lessons with a Dancing with the Stars performer and appear dancing in the Spot that will air during the season finale. She'll also have the opportunity to meet actress and former contestant, Jennie Garth, who will act as the winner’s “on-camera confidence coach” and receive a $5,000 check.

Dancing-with-stars I personally am not a huge Dancing with the Stars fan, but I know many women who are. I believe they just announced the contestants for this season's show and there is some controversy going on, which I'm not up to date on.

Dove is promoting this product on their Facebook page right now featuring it on it's own tab page. However, they are not accepting entries for the contest here, just on their website. I'm not sure why they haven't integrated Facebook more into the program.

I am a member of the Dove Insider, and I receive my monthly email from them that includes updates on new products, coupons, games and tips on how to keep yourself looking beautiful. I do use the coupons, so sign up if you're interested. You can find it on their Facebook page as well as their website.

I wonder what Dove will be doing next year when I celebrate my 5th blogging birthday? Hope you stay tuned to find out. Thanks again to all who have read my posts over the years.


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