The Only Choice You Positively MUST Make
May 21, 2012
By Guest Blogger, Mary Schmidt, Marketing Troubleshooter
Choosing to operate from abundance not scarcity. Once you make the decision, all other choices flow from that foundation. And, I'm not talking about how to make more money.
You don't have to pay a life coach. You don't have to buy books. You don't have to attend seminars. You don't have to sign up for webinars. You don't have to research "how" to practice abundance.
You don't even have to talk about it with others.
You can keep it very, very simple. You choose to operate from a perspective of abundance (or, as some people say, to practice abundance.)
The choice is a matter of deciding, in a flash of a synapse. Sure, you'll have your bad days, 3 a.m. fear attacks, and selfish thoughts. I certainly do. But I always come back around to abundance. It makes me far happier and works far better than anger, distrust, and fear. Some days it's more of a struggle than others. My mother, unfortunately, operates from scarcity, and always has, even before her move into assisted living. So, I get a daily chance to reaffirm my choice of abundance (and - I admit - some days I walk all the way home fuming...deep, cleansing breaths, Mary...)
As for mo' money - I could use it. I don't obsess about it. I've long said, "It's only money. I'll make more." And - as my friend Janet notes - "We have money, Mary. We just don't know where it is."
Scarcity of spirit is too depressing. Simply choose abundance.
P.S. Simple isn't always the same as easy, is it?
Read more: Abundance Vs. Scarcity
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Posted by: Virtual Receptionist | June 18, 2012 at 07:37 AM
Great post, especially the quote, "We have money, Mary. We just don't know where it is."
Actually, it's right there, waiting for you to allow it into your life.
I'm a big believer in our ability to change the world we see by changing our point of view. What we see is entirely up to us.
Posted by: Rick Henkin | May 22, 2012 at 01:16 AM
Very good thoughts and ty for sharing these. I always enjoy your posts. Very life affirming!
Posted by: Carol Bryant | May 21, 2012 at 10:16 PM