Friday Musings - On Women and Leadership
February 15, 2013
Relevant questions of the day...
Is there still a war between "moms" who stay at home and "moms" who don't (moms who generate income outside of the home - I won't say 'work' because all Moms work)?
Answer: Yes. Why? You tell me. I did both. They are both noteworthy and important. Both take leadership skills. Both add value to the greater good. Both require time, energy, and focus. So, why war over them? It rather defeats the purpose of being a Mom. IMBO
Why do fashion designers want all women to be 5' 10" and weigh 110 pounds?
Answer: Really??? There are about 25 women, collectively, in the entire world who fit that body type. What are the rest of us supposed to wear?
Why are there so few women in leadership roles in business?
Fact: From DFW Leadership Summit: Even though studies show that adding women to corporate
boards improves company financial performance, the U.S. numbers have not changed much in the past decade. In August 2012, Forbes reported that only 4 percent of the nation’s largest companies are run by women (20 in total), and “that’s a record.” Also, more than half (11) got the job between 2011 and 2012. Although U.S. corporate board membership is almost stagnant, does the uptick in female CEOs being named to the top job indicate a trend? (maybe, maybe not... I think women, generally, don't want the jobs at the top - for various reasons. That doesn't mean they aren't in leadership and it doesn't demean their 'power'. It's there.)
Do we spend too much time on women and girls, and the issues surrounding them... to the detriment of boys and men?
Answer: Not in my book. When boys and men have spent hundreds, literally hundreds, of years being dismissed, neglected, overlooked, abused, and otherwise demeaned... they can complain. Till then, stop whining. And, an opinion from Carol Roth.
That's it for today, folks.