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Does your professional wardrobe help or hurt your career?

Does your professional wardrobe help or hurt your career?


Does your professional wardrobe reflect your business, image and personality in a positive manner?

When you meet a prospective client, employer, conduct a seminar, lead a meeting or give a presentation, are you confident about your professional wardrobe’s appearance? Feeling good about what you are wearing, and not self-conscious?

I have a client who told me that before she worked with me, she vowed to NEVER again attend a meeting without dressing in a way that not only made her look, but also feel, confident and in charge. She recalled a time, when she was directing a meeting with a client, but instantly felt weaker when the client showed up dressed perfectly and seemingly took over the meeting! How could her client appear in charge? The answer is easy; if you are not secure in how you look and feel in your clothes, you will then lose your focus and control of the meeting.

Your priority should be on impressing upon your audience your expertise as to how you can solve their problems. The last thing you should be thinking about is how you look or feel in your outfit. When you feel like your clothes are too tight, loose, frumpy, out of style or just plain boring, then you are missing out on the opportunity to focus solely on your end goal, which always is to get the positive outcome you’ve worked so hard on achieving.

You want to, and must be taken seriously in order to get the respect and consideration you need and deserve.

Do you ever:

1. Tug at your clothes to get them in place as the fit is not right?

2. Worried about how much more you can eat that day before a button, seam or zipper might pop?

3. Feeling self-conscious about your appearance?

4. Worry that your clothes are out of style or dated looking?

5. Concerned that your clothes make you look older than you are or feel?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then you risk losing the chance to get the outcome you’ve worked so hard on achieving from your meetings or presentations. Getting the result you want, and have earned, happens far more easily when your professional wardrobe reflects your abilities and objectives. Choosing a professional wardrobe, whether a business casual or professional wardrobe that allows you to feel and look professional, attractive, comfortable and competent is absolutely obtainable and essential to a women’s business success.

If you want to know what your professional wardrobe should be, then as a professional image consultant and wardrobe stylist I can show you exactly which colors, style and fit are perfect just for you.

Schedule your FREE Get Acquainted Call to find out how I can show you how to always know what to wear.

”Scarlett De Bease is amazing! I had 3 major speaking gigs in the past week, a closet that was a complete mess with nearly nothing in it of use, and almost no jewelry! My only saving grace was my shoe collection! Scarlett saved the day! I had 3 different perfect outfits, one for each event ready to go after just 2 hours with her and my mess of a closet. We haven’t even been shopping yet. I can’t sing her praises enough. Plus, my room feels so clean and organized now. It’s so simple to get dressed every morning. If you need any wardrobe help, Scarlett is the best!” Jessica Drummond, health coach and functional nutritionist for women and girls.  

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