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Give YOURSELF A Time Out

By Laura Smith, Chief Groovy Chick at The Breakup Lounge

Do you take time out of the day for you?

How do you get refreshed and renewed?

Woman on beachIf the answers to the above questions are "Kinda" and "I don't know," then would you like to add some more into your life?  Let's do it!

You can get started RIGHT NOW! You could even do it EVERY DAY! It's easy and doesn't take much time and it feels awesome!

Here's how:

1.  Plan it.  Sometimes, life is so busy and chaotic that you really need to make an appointment with yourself FOR yourself. Whatever you use for your time management system, each morning, decide WHEN you're going to take some time out of your day for you. Notice I didn't use the word "if" there ~ it's nonnegotiable and it feels good to write it in and stick with it. Also, in my case, I know that I like to take an overnight trip alone about once every three months. I look forward to it. I plan for it and it's amazing.

2. Make a list of go-to activities for this special time.  What makes you feel good?  It's as easy as that.  Is it grabbing a frou-frou coffee drink or meditating or getting outdoors or journaling or doing a quick 15-minute yoga session? If you take a minute right now and jot down a few activities that aren't very time consuming but that you really enjoy, you've got options for your time. Now, no matter where you are in your day or what kind of day you've had, you know that you've got some "smile" time planned.

3.  Allow yourself to be truly present for your time.  We've all got busy lives. We're typically brilliant multi-taskers. However, this is about quieting yourself to focus on what you're doing and how it makes you feel. You may need to take a minute or two just to do some deep breathing exercises first to begin to relax and let yourself enjoy your time. You'll get the most out of it if you let yourself relish it and just "be" in that moment.

It's a true gift to you ~ taking time out of your day, week or month to refuel your soul. You deserve it.  Let yourself enjoy it.

Sometimes, we walk down the "I should be doing this or that" path. We feel guilty for taking time for ourselves. I'm telling you right now that when I take care of me ~ I'm a better me ~ first of all ~ but I'm also a happier wife, a more patient mom & stepmom and I feel lighter and more energetic all around. Taking care of you is truly a gift not only to yourself but to those around you too.

So why not try it? Make an appointment with yourself today or tomorrow for some extra you time! You won't regret it, Gorgeous!

Shine On!



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