3 Things Not To Wear At The Office.
September 24, 2013
1. The most annoying sound in an office is the flip, flopping of flip flops!!! When did it become okay to wear beach attire to the office? What happened? An appropriate option are sandals that strap your feet in for what can become a bumpy ride out of a job if you don't dress in proper work attire!
2. Bras are labeled to be in the UNDER garment category becasue they are to be under your clothes and out of sight. Nothing says unprofessional more, than bra straps peeking out from your clothes either by accident or on purpose.
3. Clothes that are too tight. We all gain weight, so learn to embrace this cold hard fact by wearing clothes in your actual size, and not our fantacy size. In other words, get a grip on the sad truth and stop letting your clothes have a grip on you!
CONFESSION: I write this as I sit here upset that I have gained weight and many of my clothes are too tight now, so I won't be wearing them for a while. I'm taking my own advice!
"Scarlett helped me transform my closet into a well organized resource of casual and business outfits that easily & successfully meet my everyday needs."
Betsy Brand, Brandmark Studios LLC
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