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How To Make a Good First Impression

how to make a good first impression“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” is a familiar saying.  Ruth Sherman a well respected public speaking coach added, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.

Seth Godin wrote a blog awhile back about the importance of finding your business brand essence. His point, and I agree, Is that you shouldn’t have to search for it as you should already know what your message and purpose in your business already is. I loved this final line in his blog post:

“Clothes don’t make the man, the man makes the man. Clothes (and the brand) just amplify that.”

It isn’t just what you wear, but how you speak and what you want others to believe you are capable of.
You are like a wrapped gift to all those around you. I help make your wrapping paper and bows reflect how fabulous you really are, but what’s inside is just, if not even more, as important!

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