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Getting Your Creative Juices Flowing!

By Laura Smith, Chief Firecracker, Pink Spark Systems

Do you have a creative task to do today?
If you’re like the average (even though I TOTALLY get that you’re ANYTHING but average) entrepreneur or business woman, I bet you do.
Also, if you’re like the average person, you sit in front of your computer just hoping and praying that creative lightening will strike and you’ll hit inspired gold.
Does it ever happen like that?
Usually not.
That’s why I wanted to share MY secret for getting that lovely three-pound clump of cells we call our brain aflame with ingenious ideas!
It really couldn’t be easier. Woohoo!
Watch this less-than-two-minute video to get inspired!



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Jobi Harris

I really enjoyed your video! It definitely works when I get stuck in the middle of an idea, but now I know I know I need to do it more often! Thanks.

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