Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess How many times a day does someone pose the question, "How are you?" I've been asked that countless times and even in the midst of recovering from breast cancer surgery and treatment, I'd typically answer, "Great. You?" If a family member or close friend... Read more →
Me and my brother, who taught me to be who I am by Yvonne DiVita On some level, I firmly believe that women rule the world. The saying goes, "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world," and it's so true. But, many women don't rock cradles, and they... Read more →
by Yvonne DiVita I'm a big fan of pen and paper. Pencil and paper. Crayons and paper. It harkens back to my youth when I literally carried a full pencil case around with me, with 10 -12 sharpened pencils in it. Accompanying this must have case of untapped imagination and... Read more →
Guest post by Joan DeMartin We all want to make a good impression when we speak and write—whether it’s a condolence note to a dear friend or an email to a work colleague; what we say matters to us, and even more to others. Our written or spoken words represent... Read more →
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess Okay, okay, I admit there are no secrets to success! If there were, we'd all be successful, right? There are, however, steps you can take to be more successful than you are now or more successful than your competition. In my job as a... Read more →
You must read. And then read some more. In fact, put down the business books and read the classics. I'm talking Hawthorne, Virginia Wolfe, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Tolkien, even the not yet classics by Stephen King and others who invent entire worlds out of thin air. Yes, even Harry Potter. There is a wealth of learning in fiction. Read more →
by Yvonne DiVita "We went out past the trees on Ridge Road, I think it was almost to Buffalo!" I said, full of the excitement I'd experienced on a Sunday drive with my family. The other kids at the lunch table were half-listening. They were, after all, more interested in... Read more →
by Yvonne DiVita Is it social to "like" someone on Facebook? Is it social to "follow" someone on their blog or on Twitter? Is it social to attend webinars and listen to podcasts, even when you share a comment? People today equate 'social' with 'media' and have assigned a false... Read more →
Post by Blog Manager Robbi Hess Do you understand the fine art of productivity? There are some tips that, as an entrepreneur, may seem counterintuitive, but they work. Because I am an entrepreneur, I understand that, unlike an employee who may just show up, punch a clock and play around... Read more →
A story does need credibility. Storytellers are allowed to borrow from memories that may not be so sharp, as long as the truth is not stretched too far. In business, you can take a personal memory and craft a business story around it. It serves to show your customer that you're human, just like she is. Mark Twain is one of my favorite authors. He was a master at storytelling. Read more →