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3 Tips for Kicking Butt...Even When You Don't Feel Like It


By Laura Kay (formerly Smith), Chief Firecracker, Pink Spark Systems

Miss piggy karate


Ugh. Divorce. Have you been through one, My Dear? I hope not.

But, if you’re like a lot of us, you’ve been there ~ done that.

Me too. In fact, recently ~ like this year.

Believe me, one of my New Year’s resolutions was NOT divorce. Yet, here I sit. New name. New home. New everything.

If you happen to be traveling down a rough road right now, I thought I’d share a few of the activities that have brought me through the past few months ~ albeit, somewhat tattered ~ but still whole.

1. Just do ONE day at a time.

More often than I’d like to admit, I’ve found myself ANYWHERE but the present. Revisiting the past NEVER makes me feel good. Of course not. I know better but my mind would sometimes go there.

Then you’ve got the overwhelming fear of the future. Can I do this on my own? What if ~ what if ~ what if?

When I can stay focused just on today and the fact that I’m okay ~ I’m fed (with more Ben & Jerry’s than I’d like to admit) ~ I have a roof over my head, it’s easier to stay grounded.

2. Be VERY gentle with yourself.

Want to take a nap (note: this is different than staying in your pajamas all day on the couch, believe me, I know)? DO IT!

Would a quick walk boost your spirits? GO FOR IT!

How about a manicure in fiery red or ocean blue? WHY NOT?

Reach for the little things that make you feel better and ALLOW them to work their magic, My Friend!

3. Be grateful.

So here’s the thing: I’ve cried A LOT in the last 4+ months. I mean A LOT. However, at the end of almost any good cry, I’d end up laughing. Before you send me off to the funny farm, let me explain.

As my tears would start to dry, I’d look around ~ no matter where I was ~ and see things to be grateful for.

They’re everywhere ~ if you pay attention.

I’d think to myself, “Laura, look at all of the beauty that surrounds you in so many different forms. Whoa, Girlfriend (yes, I call myself Girlfriend sometimes). There’s so much love and positive energy around you. Let it sink in.”

I’d sit there…blown away. I’d feel such joy. Then I’d laugh at myself for crying when there’s so much abundance everywhere ~ how could I be such a boob and not notice it?

I’m not sure how many of you need this right now but if my experience and this article can help even one other Beauty, I’m thrilled.

Here’s to the fabulous future!

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