Time for Books | I Was a Pesky Chicken
March 30, 2018
This Friday on Time for Books we're completing the review of Design the Life You Love by Ayse Birsel. Remember, this is a workbook. I have been encouraging you to work on it along with me.
Our discussion continues from last week, where we were asked to think of our life as a metaphor. What would your life be, in metaphor? I chose a cookbook.
I chose a cookbook because it provides variety. It provides inspiration. it provides creativity. And, it allows me to mix things up, challenge my preconceived learnings about how to cook, and to fix the recipes I try that don't work out.
Ayse, this week, wants us to take that a step further. She tells us to think of our life NOW and to think of what we want it to be in the FUTURE. So, what metaphor can you create or think of that speaks to your life now, and will help you move into your life...tomorrow and forever, into that 100+ Life I talk about?
For me, I put the cookbook idea on hold and thought of myself as a pesky chicken. There I was, living in the confines of a farm, pecking at the ground for food, or waiting for others to bring it to me. I was stuck behind a barrier I couldn't see and couldn't get beyond. My life was one of silent cackles where "think outside the box" just did not work.
I wanted a better future. In my future, I decided I wanted to be an owl. A wise old owl.
Watch the final video to discover what that means, and how I plan on moving from being a chicken to being an owl. Doing this "now" and "then" activity begins to help you figure out how to make things happen for yourself. It definitely goes into designing a life you can love.
One of the things I learned by following this workbook was to embrace my heroine (myself), understand my life metaphors, and recognize the qualities of life that are important to me.
One activity asked us to write down words that matter. For me, of course, all words matter (Robbi too, I think!) but in considering words that matter for this activity, I did try to stick to 15 - 20 main ideas. Here are a few of them (I have quite a few more but I'll only list these for now):
Love Connection Family Learning Friends Animals Dreams Books Writing Health Spirit
I encourage you to purchase this book and do the work involved. Designing the life you love is worth the time involved. The investment is your energy, your focus, and your commitment. If you're an entrepreneur, you should have all of them in spades! The videos this month just might be exactly what you need to get you started.
Let me know how you make out - share some thoughts below. And don't forget to sign up today for the Big Idea News.
We know a good bit about big ideas.
Thank you for this incredible series you "wise old owl!!" (I don't view you as "old" but I DO view you as "wise"). I thoroughly enjoyed this series and learned a lot from you!
I have to be more like an owl myself instead of a chicken!
I can't wait until "Fortune Is In The Failure" love these!
Posted by: CatChatCaren | April 04, 2018 at 04:19 PM