I Declare 2018 Year of the Phenomenal Woman
Embrace Friday The Thirteenth

Time for Books | Fortune is in the Failure
by Katie Myers

Being an entrepreneur is hard Katie Myers

Everyone has heard the saying, "Failure is not an option," from Susan B. Anthony. And, if you hadn't heard it yet, you have now. She was determined to succeed and she was never going to let failure hold her back.

That's the topic of April's Time for Books - Fortune is in the Failure by Katie Myers is the book, and I am so delighted to have her on the show this week, talking about her book.  And, it's fitting that she's the Founder of CR Conversations, where communication is Queen.

If you're following along this month, and you have Katie's book, hooray for you! It's slim volume of brilliant insight and it has workbook pages. I wanted to do this book in April to get folks excited again. To get folks thinking of summer and fall and how to achieve their year end goals. It's still the first quarter of the year and there is still time to get things done!

Too many of us are lost in our 'failures'. I had a gigantic failure last week when my brain kept typing Katie's book title backwards. I was so appalled when I saw it, later in the day, I wondered if I should take the post down and start over. All the links in places I shared it would have broken, had I gone back in and fixed the URL. 

I announced my failure to the world, and to Katie. And I fixed the text (thank goodness for blogs!) but I left the title as is. Truth is, the content is what's important, and the backwards title is actually a bit compelling. Certainly, the photo shared last week proved my ineptness at typing that day. The photo shows the book cover, and Katie, and all is well.

Interestingly, that was an easy failure to remedy. Many others are not. But, as you will see in our interview, and as you will see in the rest of the month's video book reviews here at Time for Books, fortune truly is in our failures. It's in taking the chance and stumbling along. It's in not allowing failure to push us around. Susan B. Anthony took it personally. She was not going to fail in her ultimate goal to get women the vote - and she didn't. But if you read her story, there were many failures along the way. Some of them quite painful.

A powerful statement in Katie's book, that "being an entrepreneur is hard!" hits home to me. 

We say life is hard. Well, being an entrepreneur is harder. (and sometimes, it just goes to the dogs! You have to watch the video to discover what that means!)

Are you up to the task? If you've taken those reins, are you also taking charge? Even when the horse you're riding runs off with you, plows into a forest full of trees, and threatens to throw you into the nettles?

Join us this month for Fortune is in the Failure by Katie Myers. She will help guide your horse to greener pastures. I promise!




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