Take some time and make a list of what you love, what you're passionate about, what you might be able to make money doing and you are well on your way to Big Idea Implementation. Read more →
by BIG Idea Facilitator Yvonne DiVita Women Entrepreneurs - we ARE millions strong! My office is a reflection of me, as I expect your office is of you. Given my devoted attention to women entrepreneurs, especially baby boomer women, you can imagine I am surrounded by strong, inspirational things. We'll... Read more →
by BIG Idea Facilitator, Yvonne DiVita For us, at Lipsticking, the concept of a confident, independent, and ambitious woman is a natural. There is little new about it. Women have shown their independence, their confidence, and their rising ambitions quite clearly from the dawn of civilization. Interestingly, society often spends... Read more →
Influencer marketing is best served by learning about, understanding, and openly engaging with your prime audience. It's not about you. It's not about your influence. It's not about giving away free stuff. Read more →