Master Book Builders | Starting with Your Imagination and Ending with Your Implementation – We help you move it forward and get it going.
Yvonne DiVita brings more than 20 years of business and writing experience to help you filter your big ideas, finding the best ones that work, to help you write the book you've always wanted to write.I know you're not sitting home in a rocker watching the sun rise, with nothing to do all day. I know you have a busy life. I also know you want to write a book. So many people do. Why not get started with me? Let's take your talent and create magic.
Does this sound like you?
1. Starting a new business (or re-purposing an old business) and you'd like more recognition. You'd like to use your years of experience to help others achieve what you have achieved.
2. Ready to take charge of your life. Writing a book brings immediate thought leadership and respect, if done professionally.
3. You have a manuscript but it needs some polish. And you aren't yet sure where to get published.
4. You have content - articles, blog posts, LinkedIn posts, that you think could be made into a book.
Yvonne DiVita - Can't Stop. Won't Stop.
I'm Yvonne DiVita and Welcome to Lipsticking. My first blog. The blog that started my POD company, WME Books. It's focused on women, but I don't discriminate. I love men, too! We are all in this together. This big thing called life and business and working to make the world a better place.
If fantastic ideas for a book are flowing like water through your brain and you can't stop them... if you're struggling to pick out the ones you can trust to carry you through to becoming a published author...if the real excitement of having experience and expertise to share and wanting to share it in a book is keeping you up at night, I can help make that happen.
I've been there, done that, and I wear the T-shirt proudly. I offer my years of experience in all four of the categories above. I'm here to help you get started on a successful, remarkable, worthwhile book that will WOW the world. #bookcoach
I am, first and foremost, a writer. Writing is second nature to me. As important as eating, or sleeping, or walking from room to room as I go about the day fetching coffee, letting the dog out, returning to my desk to compose blog posts, write my book, create presentations, reply to emails, add edits to client books, or whatever is on the schedule at that moment.
The eternal writer who accompanies me everywhere, writes tomes in my head, every day. It’s because I am a writer, that I have been successful in business on my own for close to 20 years.
I bring all of those nearly 20 years of work, education and study in the field of communication and business to everything I do.
I've created and run three successful businesses and during that time my focus has been on women, because women are smart, talented, and energetic. We are, as Harriet Beecher Stowe once said, "The real architects of society."
That's why today, I'm working with business professionals across the web and across the country - men and women of all ages who want that freedom - who want to make a change in their lives and who recognize that they can also influence their community, for the better, by writing the book they've always wanted to write.
contact info: yvonne (at) yvonnedivita (dot) com
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