Now, after you've committed words to paper - okay, words to keyboard because today you must, must, must, have a digital copy - you take your work and submit it to an editor or an agent. No one reads print manuscripts anymore. Read more →
Working with bloggers is a good thing. Working with bloggers if you're an author, to create a blogging book tour, can help your book soar in sales. Read more →
I fear we are losing magic bit by little bit, day by cloudy day, moment by noisy moment, because we no longer care about it, we no longer recognize it, we no longer believe in it. Read more →
So many women I meet tell me they want to write a book. They have a big idea, or they have several, but they're afraid to start. Read more →
I wish more kids loved the library the way I love the library. I learned so much by taking books out of the library every week, as a pre-teen. I read at least four or five books a week. I gave a book report on every one. I won an award for it. How great is that? It wasn't an award that the school issued every year. It was made up just for me. Because I was such a prolific reader. Read more →
My entrance into the world of the gig economy, where I started back in 2002, didn't focus on women. My focus was on earning that almighty dollar, in order to pay bills. Do you relate? When you are dependent upon clients, customers, people who are willing to buy what you're selling, you always seems to have your eye on the bottom line. How much did I make today? This week? This month? Read more →
Fortune is in the Failure, so writes Katie Myers in her first business book subtitled, What you say in business matters. I could not agree more. What you say in business does matter. It matters how you say it, when you say it, and why you say it, This month's... Read more →
Everyone has heard the saying, "Failure is not an option," from Susan B. Anthony. And, if you hadn't heard it yet, you have now. She was determined to succeed and she was never going to let failure hold her back. That's the topic of April's Time for Books - Fortune... Read more →
It's Time for Books, Friday, April 6, 2018. We have a special book today called Fortune is in the Failure. The author, Katie Myers, is both a colleague and a friend. I met Katie about two years ago but it seems like we've always known each other! She's one of... Read more →
This Friday on Time for Books we're completing the review of Design the Life You Love by Ayse Birsel. Remember, this is a workbook. I have been encouraging you to work on it along with me. Our discussion continues from last week, where we were asked to think of our... Read more →