I call it time to embrace your phenomenal self, as a woman, in the 21st century. I call it time to tell the story - the real story - of who you are. You can leave out some parts because some parts are too personal or too precious to share. But, for the most part, you need to cry a little, laugh a lot, get angry, then be joyous, because the telling of your story is just the beginning of your journey and the journey you will take your readers on. Read more →

We talked further about blogging. About how it could grow his readership. He proposed to me that he wanted his books to be read by small business owners, CEOs of businesses under $24million. Or thereabouts. He knew his message of how to be a great CEO would resonate and help those people. But he didn't see how a blog could get him there. He insisted the people he wanted to reach didn't read blogs. When, of course, they did. Many big brands were starting to blog by then.  Read more →

by BIG Idea Facilitator Yvonne DiVita Women Entrepreneurs - we ARE millions strong! My office is a reflection of me, as I expect your office is of you. Given my devoted attention to women entrepreneurs, especially baby boomer women, you can imagine I am surrounded by strong, inspirational things. We'll... Read more →

by BIG Idea Facilitator, Yvonne DiVita For us, at Lipsticking, the concept of a confident, independent, and ambitious woman is a natural. There is little new about it. Women have shown their independence, their confidence, and their rising ambitions quite clearly from the dawn of civilization. Interestingly, society often spends... Read more →