By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk The use of podcasts and Internet radio shows have been growing in popularity this past year. In May I had the honor to be a guest on WCEOhq Radio, an interactive two-hour Internet radio show that you can listen live on Fridays... Read more →

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk Over on the side bar of this blog there is animated ad promoting "Real Women Do Social Media". If you haven't clicked on this ad before you may not know what it's all about. Well it's program on social media marketing specifically... Read more →

By Amanda Ponzar Whether you're a nonprofit business or individual you almost don't exist if you're not online and in social networks. A few weeks ago, a nonprofit development director asked if I could help raise her profile on LinkedIn. You know the world's about to end when Amanda Ponzar... Read more →

Today we have a new author guest blogging at Lip-sticking. Amanda Ponzar is the Director of Communications for Global Corporate Leadership at United Way Worldwide, the world's largest privately-funded nonprofit. You can read more about Amanda on the team page. Enjoy Amanda's insight on non-profits, today and every other Thursday,... Read more →

Short, simple and to the point: 1. Start a blog. Write in the blog. Write compelling copy. Share with friends and colleagues on Twitter and Facebook. 2. Offer your expertise in a PDF that can be shared with your network. Tell your network you've created this white paper or E-book... Read more →

By Guest Blogger, Donna DeClemente, Donna's Promo Talk Being from Rochester, NY, I have worked with Eastman Kodak over the years and know many people who have and still work there. The company has been going through a huge transformation as the world has moved on to digital. We all... Read more →

Today I have the pleasure of sharing a stimulating interview with a new site that aims to do a lot of what we do, right here, at Lip-sticking. I share this because I believe in working with my sisters, not against them. These gals are on the right track and... Read more →

The Think Big Manifesto: A Podcast with Michael Port

This podcast is extremely important. It's a bit longer than some others - a full 15 minutes. But, you can have it playing while you blog or Twitter. You can listen to it a few minutes at a time. The important thing is for you to listen to it -... Read more →

I can't help it - I'm having one of the best days of my blogging career. Regular readers know that I like to conduct interviews. I especially like to interview women in business who offer insight into how to create success. many of you, I also aspire to speaking... Read more →