The post got me thinking because... my Mom isn't here any longer. Nor is my Dad. Neither Dad. Yes, I had two dads. It happens. My step-Dad passed so many years ago, I don't even remember the date. I only remember how he suffered and how angry I was that he wasn't going to be around for many more years. Read more →

I dreamed a thousand dreams...and none of them came true. I slept a thousand nights, and woke a million nothing. It feels that way sometimes. That my dreams and my hopes and my desires are such tiny slivers of nothing in the Universe, that they slip away into some... Read more →

Not really. It's true. Our bodies are made up of so many different kinds of cells, the idea that they speak to each other may seem to come from some 1950's science fiction novel, but it doesn't. It's true. Our cells do communicate with each other. They must! How else would the human body operate effectively? If you stop to consider the reality of your body and all of its many varying kinds of cells, it's not hard to understand that if we but listen to our body as it talks to us, we would be healthier human beings. Read more →