Guest blog by AmyK Hutchens, AmyK International, Inc. Imagine if you could get your team on board to work in concert and change the future of your company for the better. What if, in the process, you were also able to give them a greater sense of worth and to... Read more →

Creating balance in your activities is not possible. Quit wasting your time. When it comes to life activities there is no such thing as balance, only priorities. If you strive for balance you’ll only add to your stress levels, not reduce them, but if you change your priorities you will immediately start reducing your stress and feel more in control of how you utilize your time. Read more →

Guest Post by AmyK Hutchens Just last December, Sharon, a harried CEO, shared that her executive team needed leadership training. With tighter profit margins, a faster pace, a growing customer base and more competitors, she needed her executive team to think, communicate, innovate and lead better, and… handle stress better.... Read more →

By AmyK Hutchens Work/life balance: just uttering the phrase evokes emotion in most entrepreneurs and business leaders. And the emotive behaviors most often displayed? Laughter… followed closely by dismissal. Work/life balance? In real life, the concept most resembles a circus act, juggling, rather than some Zen-like homeostasis described in the... Read more →

by AmyK Hutchens The photo on page 25 shows your marketing department playing ping-pong in the cafeteria. The caption next to your director’s shirt reads, “No tie required, but ironing is encouraged.” Another picture includes your shipping department filling out their March Madness brackets and the description reads, “Playing for... Read more →